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to carry out diagnostic assessments/tests

进行诊断性评估 / 检查

specific conditions which are diagnostic of AIDS


...X-rays and other diagnostic tools.


Responsible for service materials, tools and diagnostic equipments.

负责服务材料 、 工具及诊断设备管理.

Objective To explore the imaging method and diagnostic value of Ectopic Ureter ( EU ) in children.


Another diagnostic method is auscultation and olfaction.


Automatic Database diagnostic Monitor ( ADDM ) automatically detects and reports performance problems with the database.


Three slot like data ports offered diagnostic checks of his pulmonary, respiratory and neural systems.

三道狭槽形的数据端口提供肺部 、 呼吸和神经系统的诊断校验.

Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of ultrasound in acute appendicitis.


At this stage the evidence linking diagnostic radiation procedures and prostate cancer is still weak.


Objective To improve the diagnostic accuracy of molybdenum target radiography for breast carcinoma.

目的探讨乳腺癌X线 各种征象,提高钼靶X线对乳腺癌诊断的准确性.

Methods: We retrospective reviewed the diagnostic procedures, surgical technique, and outcome of 25 patients with craniopharyngioma.

方法 回顾 性总结25例颅咽管瘤的诊断措施, 手术技巧和治疗结果.

Objective To explore the diagnostic value of two dimensional echocardiography color Dopper flow imaging ( CDFI ) in breast masses.

目的探讨二维及彩色 多普勒 超声对乳腺肿块的诊断价值.

On the Database Home page, under diagnostic Summary, click the link next to ADDM Findings.

在数据库主页面上, 诊断概要下面, 点击ADDM查找结果的链接.

Objective To explore the causes and diagnostic method of the term fever of unknown origin ( FUO ).

目的探讨不明原因长期发热 ( FUO ) 的病因及诊断方法.

Objective: To introduce a fast diagnostic way of gonococcal ophthalmia in newborn, ie , TF staining method.

目的: 探讨一种快速诊断新生儿淋菌性眼炎的方法——TF染色法.

diagnostic technique and system for the examination of the adhesive quality of combustible cartridge are studied.


In the diagnostic expert system of a set affusion pump employs such a principle.


Objective To assess the diagnostic value of computed tomography ( CT ) for recurrent carcinoma of larynx after operation.

目的探讨 CT 对喉癌术后复发的诊断价值.

Objective To study the ultrasonic images of malignant lymphoma and their clinical diagnostic significance.


Objective To discuss the diagnostic and treatment methods of superior mesenteric vein thrombosis.


Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of transbronchoscopic lung biopsy for peripheral lung cancer.


diagnostic Procedures: MRI, CAT Scan, Colonoscopy, etc.

诊断程序: 磁共振成像, 扫描, 结肠镜检查等.

Products include graphic arts system, medical diagnostic imaging systems, Office systems and film, and so on.

产品包括印艺系统 、 医疗诊断影像系统 、 办公室系统及电影胶片等.

His diagnostic skills were regarded as remarkable.


Conclusion: MRI has a significant diagnostic value in evaluation of cranial nerve tumors.

结论: MRI对脑神经肿瘤诊断有重要的临床价值.

Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of serum α L fucosidase ( AFU ) in primary hepatic cancer ( PHC ).

目的探讨血清α-L-岩藻糖苷酶 ( AFU ) 对原发性肝癌(PHC ) 的诊断价值.

Objective To study specific features and main diagnostic points of diffuse astrocytoma on MRI.

目的探讨弥漫性星形细胞瘤的MRI表现 特点,研究MRI对 该类肿瘤的诊断要点和价值.

The lack of good diagnostic test isn fortunate.


An intelligent computer will be an indispensable diagnostic tool for doctors.


  • The diagnostic character of having not one but two pairs of antennae.

    出自:D. Attenborough







