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a disciple of the economist John Maynard Keynes


...one of the disciples of Christ.


...a disciple of Freud.


C 0272 is a calligraphy requested by a disciple.


Luo: Jesus is to wash feet for disciple in those years.

罗: 当年耶稣就是这样给门徒洗脚.

And Simon Peter followed Jesus as well as another disciple.


Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, It is the Lord.

约21:7耶稣所爱的那门徒对彼得说 、 主.

But when just started disciple attorney, his lovable wife actually contracts incurable goworld go to him.

但刚开始执业律师时, 他可爱的妻子却患绝症撒手人寰离他而去.

Confucius answered , There was a disciple , Yan Hui, who most loved to learn.

孔子回答: 有个学生名字叫颜回的最好学了.

disciple Jing Xing submitted a translation of this article for my review.


He an ardent disciple of Gandhi.


Peter therefore went forth , and that other disciple, and came to the sepulchre.

3彼得和那门徒就出来, 往坟墓那里去.

As requested by disciple Mian Yan three more are done.


In the exuberance of his mirth , the unfortunate disciple had swallowed two biscuits at once.

原来这个不幸的耶稣门徒, 一时过分高兴一口吞了两块饼干.

Basel coach Guardiola said that he is a disciple of two of the better one.


Martin Luther King considered himself a disciple of Gandhi.


Below is disciple Stanley's response to my work Enlightening Beings in Darkness; see attached files.

以下是弟子成穗对我所写〈开晓幽冥〉一文的回应, 见附呈档案.

Then they reviled him, and said , Thou art his disciple; we are Moses'disciples.

28他们就骂他说: 你是他的门徒; 我们是摩西的门徒.

Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first.

4两个人同跑, 那门徒比彼得跑得更快,先到了坟墓.

Your disciple failed to welcome you.


disciple Wang Hao had received the two new works related to the seals he carved.


As requested by disciple Hao below, the poem is now in calligraphy.

应弟子浩以下之提请, 此诗现已手书成.

Her voice was soft yet clear. Troubled times lay ahead, disciple.

她的声音轻柔却清晰, 不平静的日子马上就要到来, 我的信徒.

disciple Hong Fu asked me to give her study a name and write calligraphy for it.


So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.

33这样, 你们无论甚麽人,若不撇下一切所有的,就不能作我的门徒.

Yesterday disciple Jing Xing asked me a dedication for his version of the Green Tara Sadhana.


As requested by disciple Hao below one poem is written in calligraphy. Two files attached.

应弟子浩以下之提请,一首诗已手书成. 两个档案呈上.

You will be my presence in this land, disciple.

你将是我在这个世界的代表, 我的信徒.

As requested by disciple Mian Yan, the new poem is now in calligraphy.

应弟子绵延之提请, 新诗之作现已手书成.

So Peter and the other disciple went out and came to the tomb.


  • Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.

    出自:Bible (AV): John
  • Fraile youth is oft to follie led..That better were in vertues discipled.








