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Say with your heart durian is difficult to eat?

你们凭良心说榴梿难吃 吗 ?

Whether does durian have the effect that adds female hormone?


durian father to break apart, which showed a yellow flesh.

爸爸把榴莲掰开, 里面露出了黄色的果肉.

Could it be, than the stinky durian smell also?

莫非, 榴莲比臭豆腐还臭?

Spiny green durian fruit for sale at a Singapore market is known for its rotting stench.


I have a sweet tooth, so anything with durian is my favourite.

我爱吃甜的, 所以,任何用榴莲做的食品,都是我的最爱.

The brewing technology, quantity of durian pulp added, tha species of pineapple were studied.

对榴莲菠萝果酒酿制工艺条件 、 榴莲添加量 、 及菠萝品种等进行了研究.

It is no wonder that there will be fruit durian King's name.


Scene 1 A : durian is my favorite fruit. I think it tastes very delicious.

榴莲是我最爱吃的水果, 我觉得味道实在是太好了.

Once in Djakarta the hosts treadted the guests to a special fruit , the durian.


Before you see the durian, you know it is there.

你还没看到榴莲时, 你就会知道它在那里了.

Aunty Nancy brings a big durian as the gift for Jacket's family.


The Thailand friend organizes a happy durian party for him.


My brother does not like the taste of durian.


Thought: I could not even eat tofu were, should not be afraid of a little durian?

心想: 我连臭豆腐都吃得下, 难道还怕一个小小的榴莲不成?

The durian tree can grow to be very tall.


durian many valve, I took the smallest one, ah!

榴莲有很多瓣, 我拿了最小的一瓣, 啊!

He ate a durian and his tummy got bigger.


Thailand people love to invite the customer to durian.


There are also durian, mangosteen, pitaya, rambutan, jackfruit, coconut provided.

各种各样的东南亚知名水果如榴莲 、 山竹 、 火龙果 、 红毛丹 、 菠萝蜜 、 椰青等也会同时展出.

The answer, says durian, is light.

德瑞恩说, 答案是用光.

I chopped it because cherry are more expensive to maintain than durian trees.


durian is imported from foreign countries, but many people like eating it very much.

榴莲是外来货, 但好多人很喜欢吃.

I see a book, the introduction of the unique flavor of durian.

我在一本书中看到, 有关介绍榴莲的独特味道.

Mother said: ' durian have to wait to eat the shell open. '

妈妈说: “ 榴莲要等壳裂开才能吃. ”

The strong durian smell repels me.


He eats two big pieces of durian.







