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This new machine will help economize on raw materials.


Our electricity bills are higher than we can afford'u2013we must start to economize.


Old people often try to economize on heating, thus endangering their health.


We're going to have to economize from now on...


Hollywood has been talking about economizing on movie budgets.


This procedure rebinds all SQL procedures in a schema.


Wants the economize on water, ( boyfriend ) takes a bath together asas possible with the girlfriend.

要节约用水, 尽量和女友 ( 男友 ) 一起洗澡.

Raise the production efficiency, economize the production cost.

提高生产效率, 节约生产成本.

Though water is a renewable resource, we should still economize.

水虽然是可再生资源, 但我们仍然需要节约使用.

Water ring type vacuum pump release vacuum of inhaling, can economize the electricity.

水环式真空泵抽吸真空, 可节约电力.

economize in order to make one's money spin out until next payday.


Air tightness test for auxiliary boiler ( economize boiler ) on board.

辅锅炉 ( 废气锅炉 ) 装船后气密试验.

We must economize on fuel.


Application in program shows this structure realized easy, can work steady, and economize memory space.

应用标明该结构具有容易实现, 稳定好, 节约存储空间等特点.

We should effectively protect, rationally exploit and economize on natural resources.

切实保护 、 合理开发和节约使用各种自然资源.

You see I am obliged to economize, in case your prosperity should cease.

你看,我不得不省吃俭用, 以防你的倒运.

I'd rather economize on clothes than food.


We must economize on light and fuel.


He'd rather economize on clothes and food than travel.


Adopt the direct or indirect condensation system, can economize the water.

采用直接或间接冷凝系统, 可节约用水.

The Greens had to economize because Mr. Green's income could hardly cover the expenses.


This kind of technological process can economize 7 % of packing material than vertical wrapping process.


The less fortunate will have to economize now.


This procedure for ensure nonconformity material handling well, reduce unnecessary waste 'ufe50 economize cost.

为保证不良物料得到及时合理的处理 ﹐ 减少不必要的浪费﹐节约成本﹐特制定本程序.

It was achieved to economize energy resources , cut down the consumption of materials, and reduce pollution.

将常压间歇法改为加压连续法,既节能降耗, 又减少污染,获得了显著的经济效益.

To economize on water, land power, raw materials, grains and other resources.

节水 、 节地、节能 、 节材 、 节粮以及节约其他各种资源.

In mining mineral resources, a mining enterprise or individual must economize on the use of land.

  开采矿产资源, 应当节约用地.

We have to economize on water during the dry season.


To economize on runing water, earth, power, raw materials, grains and otic resources.

节水 、 节地 、 节能 、 节材 、 节粮以及节约更多有联系各种资料库.

ELEPHaNT stabilizer can adjust the voltage and economize electricity, and is as a safeguard of computers.

“象牌”稳压器能调整电压,节约用电, 是电脑的保护神.

Coordinate actions can economize the coordinate cost, and replace the governmental functions partly.

协调功能能减少协调成本, 并构成对政府部分职能的一个替代.

This new machine will help economize on raw materials.


  • Light is one of the things I do not like to economise in.

    出自:J. Carlyle
  • Your father wants us to economize He's getting worried about the new taxes.

    出自:P. H. Gibbs









