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Many years elapsed before they met again.


Forty-eight hours have elapsed since his arrest.


It is often said that time elapses . actually it does not. Time stays put . We elapse.

人们常说时间流逝,其实不对. 时间是静止的,流逝的是我们.

I cannot let the holidays elapse meaninglessly , my vacation should be a phase of harvest.

我不能让假期的到来我的假期 meaninglessly 应该阶段的收成.

Never elapse in the long river of history!


As the elapse of time, serious consequence shows this one percussive apparently and more.

随着时间的推移, 这一冲击的严重后果越来越明显地显现出来.

As we enter new century, economic and political situation changed with time elapse.

进入新的世纪以来, 世界经济政治格局发生了新的变化.

Time arrowtime elapse quickly, 50 years extraordinary years blends in historical endless flow.

光阴似箭,日月如梭, 50年峥嵘岁月融入历史长河.

Because this fleet dimensions, structure wants necessarily, undertake be adjustmented ceaselessly as time elapse.

因此船队规模 、 结构必然要随着时间推移进行不断调整.

How much time may elapse following cardiac arrest for patient surial to occur?


As time elapse and our effort, should can solve.

随着时间推移和我们的努力, 应该能够解决.

The return of the echo will elapse longer time.


As the elapse of time, this number still can be climbed ceaselessly litre.

随着时间的推移, 这个数字还会不断攀升.

It is often said that time elapses . actually it does not. Time stays put, we elapse.

人们常说时间流逝, 其实不对; 时间是静止的, 流逝的是我们.

I went all out pursuing. I elapse time passage?

我拼了命的追. 我逝去的年华、?

Happy birthday to my husband. Time elapse so quickly, but my love for you grows fonder.

祝我的丈夫生日快乐, 时光飞逝, 但我对你的爱却更醇厚.

A hundred long years must still elapse before Englishman could hear the name of Oliver Cromwell.


Will lose will elapse surely, even if will return, also not like before had no time.

失去的必定会逝去, 纵然回归, 也不会如以前无暇.

This kind of state the elapse as time, behave more and more apparently.

这种状况随着时间的推移, 表现得越来越明显.

  1. Four years have elapsed since he went to London.
  • Six weeks had elapsed and still Sydney had not returned.

    出自:C. Chaplin









