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erectile dysfunction, metabolic risk factors and cardiovascular disease - What is the link?


Man have erectile tissue near nose. Itches when they e hiding something.


Objective : To evaluate the sex therapy for erectile dysfunction ( ED ).

目的: 探讨 ED 性治疗的临床应用.

Sex therapy is one of the early therapies for erectile dysfunction ( ED ).

性治疗是最早使用的治疗 勃 起功能障碍的方法之一.

Patients were interviewed about components relative to erectile dysfunction and hypogonadal - related symptoms.


Levitra ( Vardenafil ) is an oral therapy for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

艾力达 ( 伐地那非 ) 是一种口服疗法治疗勃起功能障碍.

erectile dysfunction is a common ailment in middle - aged and old men.


Roughly 23 per cent of men had normal erectile function before therapy.


Obesity and high cholesterol are also associated with erectile dysfunction ( ED ).

同时,肥胖和高胆固醇也与勃起功能障碍 ( ED ) 有关.

erectile dysfunction ( ED ) is a common ailment in middle - aged and old men.

勃起功能障碍 ( erectiledysfunction,ED ) 是中老年人的常见疾病.

erectile function was also adversely affected by treatment.


ConclusionsImprovement of nerve function can significantly improve the erectile function of diabetes with ED.

结论:改善神经功能可明显改善糖尿病性ED患者的勃起功能,在治疗ED患者 时,应关注患者神经功能的改善.

China, a large - scale survey in 2007 found that 20 % of men with erectile dysfunction and smoking.


Introduction. Cavernosal oxygenation appears to be important for preservation of erectile tissue health.


Some of the most commonly counterfeited drugs include those for erectile dysfunction, depression, anxiety and infection.

最通常有的假药包括这些类型,勃起无力, 抑郁, 焦虑和传染.







