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Some of them were made from 'u201cconcentrates'u201d or 'u201cessences, 'u201d and likely lack the touted benefits.


For weeks, my laboratory smelled like the combined essences of sewer, garbage dump and locker room.


Are you actually talking about your knowledge of them or are you talking about their own properties, essences etc.


This factory produces essences.


Actually, the natural flavor essences and the chemicals they contain are colorless.


Ingredients: Contain natural VC and various kinds of vegetable essences.

成份: 天然VC和多种植物精华.

This system comprises four essences, indicators system, benchmark, criteria and methodology.

该体系由指标体系 、 计量基准 、 计量标准和计量手段四要素构成.

China's famous wine condenses all essences under the heaven in each drop.


Crystals and photons are carrier essences.


Ingredient: Gingko leaf, wolfberry fruit , chrysanthemum extract a - pinene camphor , borneol camphene, etc totally 26 herbal essences.

主要成分: 银杏叶, 甘杞子, 菊花萃取液等26种植物草本精华.

Quality people and a reliable vessel fleet are essences in our quest for quality ferry service.


The product contains such natural vegetal essences as tea tree essence, aloe, chamomile and hamamelis etc.

本品蕴含茶树精华 、 芦荟 、 菊花、金缕梅等天然植物精华.

Efficiency: Fade melanin, promote microcirculation and promote skin to absorb skin care essences.

功效: 淡化黑色素 、 打通皮肤微循环,让肌肤快速的吸收保养品.

A formulation derived from botanical essences, its active ingredients maintain the skin's youthful beauty.

来自天然植物的精华配方, 能均匀肤色紧致肌肤.

General rules of enterprise expanding were pointed out from aspect of enterprise's essences. '


Perfume: Fluid preparation used for scenting, composed of natural essences or synthetics and a fixative.

香精: 用来散发香味的液体, 由天然香精或合成香料以及定色剂制成.






