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There was an air of expectancy among the waiting crowd.


The supporters had a tremendous air of expectancy.


Average life expectancy has risen from 36 years before liberation to 65 years at present.


Captain tell you the life expectancy for pilots around here?

上校告诉你们飞行员的平均寿命有多长 吗 ?

The powers of expectancy are even more obvious in higher level processing, such as speech perception.

期望的影响更是显而易见, 例如语言感受.

Two days later, toward noon, Sandy began to show signs of excitement and feverish expectancy.

两天以后, 在快到晌午的时候, 桑弟忽然兴奋起来,心焦面热,好象有所期待似的.

Japanese people have a very high life expectancy.


Life expectancy for whites in 2005 was 78.3 , the same as in 2004.


Health is measured easily enough. Take expectancy at birth, subtract 25 years, then divide by 60.

健康指标的计算就够简单的了: 用出生时的预期寿命减去25年, 再除以60.

It then examined how these risk factors reduced life expectancy in eight population groups.


Live expectancy has shot up while infant mortality has plummeted.


U.S. life expectancy inched up to 77.9 from the previous record, 77.8 , recorded for 2004.

美国人的预期寿命比以前的记录, 2004年的77.8岁稍微有所增加,达到77.9岁.

Longer life expectancy and better health have not been accompanied by longer working lives.


Until the 1950 s, the average life expectancy in Greenland was about 35 years.

二十世纪五十年代之前, 格陵兰岛的平均寿命是35岁左右.

Overall life expectancy, the general life of bellows valve in 3 years.

从总体寿命上, 一般波纹管截止阀使用寿命在3年以上.

We were tense with expectancy.


Longevity: In normal use, the expectancy greater than 500 times.

长寿命: 在正常使用情况下, 寿命大于500次.

The expectancy effect has characteristics of suggestibility , level, centripetal and emotion.

期望效应具有暗示性、层次性 、 向心性、情感性.

Life expectancy is the average number of years that a person is expected to live.


Long life expectancy, and the work is more stable and reliable.

寿命更长久 、 工作更稳定可靠.

The atomosphere of tense expectancy sobered everyone.


Prayer without expectancy is unbelief in disguise.


That is why life expectancy is on the rise and infant mortality on the decline.


Stars flare up and produce a lot of heat at half their life expectancy.


Long service life : the service life expectancy of the pipes is more than 50 years.

使用寿命长: 管道系统在正常使用下寿命可长达50年以上.

Sleepless nights can cause dementia, aging and shorten life expectancy.

经常失眠可引起痴呆 、 早衰、缩短寿命.

There was an air of expectancy among the waiting crowd.


The supporters had a tremendous air of expectancy.


The average life expectancy was 40.


  • Sick with expectancy of the news he feared.

    出自:O. Henry
  • There was an air of expectancy about them..as of those who wait for a curtain to rise.

    出自:D. Parker







