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The two men swapped places, always extinguishing the light when they changed over.


This is a new method of extinguishing forest fires.


Market needs instead of the traditional fire - extinguishing agent of products.


Several theories about reigniting and extinguishing of the arc have been referred.


Apply to the automatic fire extinguishing system of high - pressure gas extensively.

广泛应用于 高压气体 自动灭火系统.

PVC " is an antiflaming, self - extinguishing, chemicals, electrical insulation and thermoplastic. "

PVC具有极好的阻燃性 、 自熄性 、 耐化学方剂性 、 电绝缘性和冷弹性.

The characteristics in applying the aerosol fire extinguishing system have been described.


A wind shrieked through the chamber, flattening and extinguishing the torches.

一阵风尖叫着穿过房间, 把火把的火焰压平、熄灭.

This game has realistic fire - extinguishing action and a you - are - there feel.


But who can describe the thousand means of extinguishing the moccoletto?

但谁能列举出那成千上万种熄灭长生烛的方法 呢 ?

Safety: To ensure sufficient fire extinguishing equipment and first - aid materials.

安全: 确保拥有足够的灭火设备及紧急急救箱.

CO 2 connections for piston underside fire extinguishing.


Suitable extinguishing Media: Foam and powder extinguisher.

适用灭火剂: 泡沫及粉末灭火剂.

extinguishing measures : Dry chemical , Foam and CO 2 fire extinguisher.

乾粉, 泡沫和二氧化碳灭火器.

PVC Characteristic: Poisonless, odorless, flame retardancy and self - extinguishing, electrical insulation, high chemical stability.

PVC特性: 无毒, 无臭, 有阻燃性和自熄性, 电绝缘性, 化学稳定性高.






