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Use herbs, spices and other flavorings to enhance foods.


Avoid unnatural addictives, flavorings and preservatives.


You can also find the oil in food flavorings and colorings, such as in candy and chocolate.


Among the most important are salt, spices, and various flavorings.

其中最重要的是盐 、 料及各种调料.

Common special flavorings include Grenadine, Blue Curacao, and others.

常用特调,有糖浆 、 蓝库拉索及其它.

Discussed the flavor that can be used in meat flavorings.


This dish will be finished after some flavorings have been added.


White chocolate is a blend of cocoa butter, milk, sugar, and flavorings.

白巧克力是用可可油 、 牛奶 、 糖和其它调味成分混合制作而成的.

Additionally, flavorings can be added coffeescoffees included such favorite flavored coffee drinks.

此外, 它还可以添加一些辅料,制成不同的风味的咖啡饮品.

All our food products are completely free of artificial flavorings and colorings.


In most cases, foods require additional flavorings after processing to make them more palatable.

许多情况下, 食物需要外加调味料以使它们更加美味.

A syrup, sauce, candy, or flavoring made by melting butter, brown sugar, and sometimes artificial flavorings.

奶油膏,奶油沙司,奶油硬糖:由融化的奶油 、 黄糖, 有时还有香精混合熬制的糖浆 、 沙司 、 糖块或调味品.

A liqueur is made by combining distilled spirits with a variety of flavorings and adding sweeteners.


See, coffee is so overpowering that it can dominate even the strongest of flavorings.

喏, 咖啡的气味太浓烈了,甚至都能盖住味道最重的调味品.

The SPME device was used to adsorb and analyze tobacco flavorings using GC - MS.


Many other flavorings are now being marketed to improve the flavor characteristics, particularly of convenience foods.

许多市售的其他调味料也能够改善食物的风味特征, 特别是对于方便食品.






