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They all burst out laughing, sounding like a gaggle of geese.


A gaggle of schoolgirls followed the tennis star to his car.


They all burst out laughing, sounding like a gaggle of geese.

她们全都放声大笑, 像一群鸭子一样嘎嘎地叫着.

A gaggle of journalists sit in a hotel foyer waiting impatiently.


In another hospital, I found a gaggle of rural patients crouching on the forecourt.

在另一家医院, 我一群吵闹的农村病人蹲在医院的大厅.

A gaggle of screaming children waited just outside the gym, some seeking autographs.

一群尖叫的孩子等在体育场外, 有些想要寻求球星签名.

Instead, this gaggle of leading financiers called for a new reserve currency, akin style gold standard.

相反, 这群重要的金融家呼吁设立一种类似于传统金本位的新的储备货币.

Maintain gaggle not to move what have many system namely, do not mix, should strengthen segregation.

保持鹅群不动即有多个小群体的, 不要混合, 应加强隔离.

A gaggle of photographers huddled on the sidewalk beside a swelling crowd of onlookers ( Gioia Diliberto )

一群摄影师拥挤在路边,旁边是一大群旁观者 ( 乔亚迪利贝托 )

Is the field of view wide enough to hold , say , a smallish gaggle of your friends?


By happy accident, the German government recently played host to a gaggle of Brussels - based reporters.


  • Crowing cocks and gaggling ducks.

    出自:C. S. Lewis






