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The generic term for wine, spirits and beer is alcoholic beverages.


To run the test now, see Run the generic Test.


Instead, it's a kind of generic publication that stands for all of the potential publications in your set.


It is designed like a generic Roman basilica, with three aisles and an apse.


generic simastatin has been stealing market share from Lipitor since it became aailable last year.


Those sales will then collapse as copycat products are churned out by the producers of generic drugs.


The doctor offered me a choice of a branded or a generic drug.


'u2018Vine fruit 'u2019 is the generic term for currants and raisins.

vine fruit是有核和无核葡萄干的通称。

Parmesan is a generic term used to describe a family of hard Italian cheeses.


They encourage doctors to prescribe cheaper generic drugs instead of more expensive brand names.


...generic California apartments, the kind that have white walls and white drapes and were built five years ago.


W: Great. I'll take the generic brand.

女: 好极了, 我就要普通牌子吧!

What is an IB world school? And how is it different from the generic international schools?

什么是“IB国际学校”,它与一般国际学校有 什么 不同?

TTF font file print bar code, and use the generic font file.

TTF字体 文件打印条形码, 与搁置凡是的字体文件无异.

At other sites, permissible use is simply a generic checkbox item under Terms and Conditions.

在另一些网站, 许可的用途仅仅是条款和细则下一个普通的多选框项.

Second , we investigate how to use aspects to support generic programming in a modular manner.


The sensitive appetite is one generic power, and is called sensuality.

感性的欲望是一种普遍的力量, 被称为感官感受性.

Therefore, you cannot use a generic type parameter as an argument to an attribute.

因此, 不能将泛型类型参数用作特性的参数.

This profound generic view of the female sex did not to dispose Haley to the straight.


M: Would you prefer the generic?

男: 你想不想换普通一点的药?

All four attributes are declared to contain character data, the most generic attribute type.

这四个属性都声明为字符数据, 最通用的属性类型.

This is a generic class where the class is used for event data of different events.


Conversions are no longer necessary because each specialized generic class natively contains the value type.


Start with a simple, generic contract form.

从简单 、 的典型的合同入手.

Comprehensive knowledge of intellectual property strategies relating to the development of generic drugs.


Seems like generic chick lit to me.


generic Kaletra would hale the cost for the 20,000 patients who require it.


Virus defence includes antivirus software, fireproof, generic decryption and digital immunity system.

病毒防范可采用反病毒软件 、 防火墙 、 类属解密和数字免疫系统等新型反病毒措施.

A generic antibiotic often used to treat acne may a new life a treatment for strokes.


Where generic family data is provided in lieu of component specific data, 3 lots are required.

提供普通数据替代成分特性数据, 需要三个批次.

The path of being safe, generic, boring is so crowded you almost cannot even move forward.

那条所谓安全, 普通以及枯燥的道路是如此拥挤以至于你无法向前挪步.

God doesn't make generic people; he makes something very distinct 'u2013 a man or a woman.

神并没有创造一样的人, 他的创造是非常不同的:一个男人,或者一个女人.

The Latin term ' Vulpes ' is the generic name for the various type of fox.

拉丁术语 “ Vulpes ” 是不同种类狐狸的属名.

The public module implements a generic system log management, exception handling, common library methods.

在公共模块中实现了系统通用的日志管理, 异常处理, 常用类库方法等.

Used by the new generic kernel driver infrastructure.


A generic Error occured during pipeline Execution.


  • The derisive individual in her..repelled him, but the attraction of what was generic,..the entire sex, was stronger.

    出自:Aldous Huxley
  • Primitive languages have words for various trees but no generic term for 'tree'.

    出自:B. Cottle







