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Attempts are being made to redress (= put right) the imbalance between our import and export figures.


a global imbalance of'/in power


...an international strategy to reduce trade imbalances.


...the imbalance between the two sides in this war.


When more males are born than females, there is a population imbalance.

当男性出生得比女性多时, 就会造成人口中的男女比例失调.

Take the problems of our trade imbalance for example.


An imbalance in certain chemicals leads to disturbances in the brain's function.


Over the course of 2003, imbalance of energy flow was the focus.

在2003年度, 不平衡的能量流是焦点.

Therefore, the dizziness , vertigo and imbalance are frequently encountered for the patients.

因此, 会常有头昏, 眩晕及平衡失调等症状.

A study by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences highlighted the growing sex imbalance in China.


This will tell you where there is a problem or imbalance in their physical body.


Abdollah Alimorad's THE WHITE WINGED ( Iran, 14 min ) is a parable about environmental destruction and ecological imbalance.

《白之翼》 ( 伊朗, 14分钟 ) 是借两只天鹅,警惕我们要保护自然环境的故事.

Yogurt is a great choice when there is a nutritional imbalance.


Lecithin and bile salt shortage has led to imbalance, resulting in the formation of stones.

卵磷脂与胆盐不足,导致比例失调, 造成结石的形成.

In addition , this will also cause a nutritional imbalance that [ prevents them from having healthy bodies ].

不仅如此, 也会导致营养失调,而无法拥有健康的身体.

Rather, we meander, mainly due to a slight structural or functional imbalance of our legs.

相反, 我们是曲折前行的, 这主要是因为我们的双腿在结构或功能上有点不平衡.

Medical experts say this disorder is caused by an imbalance in brain chemicals.


International safety dilemma has multiplex structural dimension such as imbalance, extreme of religionism and nationalism, terrorism.

国际安全困境存在多元结构性维度:非均势化 、 宗教主义和民族主义极端化 、 恐怖主义化.

If you love yourself less, then there imbalance.

如果你爱自己更少, 那么就有不平衡.

Face and discard you, extreme imbalance of how to bleed heart pain.

面对一次次弃你而去, 极度失衡的心怎不痛得滴血.

As hundreds of millions more learn the language, that imbalance will grow.

随着数以亿计的人开始学习这种语言, 这种不均衡将得到进一步增强.

Air leakage to the float bowl could result in imbalance of the carburetor.


Increased recruitment of women engineers will help correct the gender imbalance in the profession.


Those who do, follow rules as long as the imbalance of power tilts against them.

或许有,只要权势不平衡对他们不利时, 他们会遵守规矩的.

The human civilization, urbanization also causes many and varied ecological problems imbalance betweenand nature.


Flight manual limits maximum fuel imbalance to 300 pounds.


This is China's most glaring economic imbalance.


P : Autopilot tends to drop a wing when fuel imbalance reaches 500 pounds.


The trade surplus has become large, and the imbalance in international payments has worsened.

外贸顺差较大, 国际收支不平衡矛盾加剧.







