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['u4e0d'u53ef'u6570'u540d'u8bcd]to be sentenced to life imprisonment for murder


(figurative)Some young mothers feel imprisoned in their own homes.


They were imprisoned for possession of drugs.


Dutch colonial authorities imprisoned him for his part in the independence movement.


The local priest was imprisoned for 18 months on charges of anti-state agitation...

当地牧师由于受到煽动反对政府的指控而被监禁 18 个月。

You can lock up a person physically, but you cannot imprison his heart.

人的身体可以被囚禁, 人的心却不可以.

imprison your mash in a dark vat, so it can become wine.

将你的乱七八糟的东西关进一个黑暗的大缸里, 所以它能够变成酒.

Yet Herod chose this time to arrest Peter, to put him imprison, in bondage.

但是,希律王却选择在这个时候逮捕彼得, 把他关进了监狱,使他成为阶下囚.

Like the group that came to imprison Jesus.


Kidnapping crime includes two concrete composing items : racketeered offense and illegal imprison offense.


A policy of trying to imprison the Palestinians has left their jailer strangely besieged.


imprison oneself in a person's world.


Tort of keeping someone imprison wrongfully.


For example imprison, Banish and Assassinate.

例如监禁, 驱逐和暗杀.

Attempting to imprison, exile or execute an important character runs the risk of a civil war.

企图监禁, 流放或处死一个重要地人物会导致内战地风险.

Promote the freedom imprison them however. Make animal deteriorated, not well should nature development.

提倡自由却把它们囚禁起来. 使动物退化, 不适应自然发展.

To imprison his princes at will, That he might teach his elders wisdom.

诗105:22使他随意捆绑他的臣宰 、 将智慧教导他的长老.

There are thunderous explosions, fierce solar winds, and forces so strong that they imprison even light.

有雷鸣般的爆炸和猛烈的太阳风, 威力之大,甚至能阻碍光的传播.

She will only be able to imprison one player at a time.


They won't imprison him for a first offence.


In order to arrest and temporarily imprison criminal suspects, the police have taken effective measures.

为了方便抓捕和寄押犯罪嫌疑人, 警方采取了有效的措施.

Dear, I thought of: Love is not a person for his own account, imprison him!

亲爱的, 我是这么想的: 爱一个人不是把他占为己有 、 禁锢他!

We have intercede with the authorities on behalf of people unfair imprison there.


You may imprison my body, actually could not fetter my mind.

你可以禁锢我的身体, 却束缚不了我的心灵.

  • A desperate thing imprisoned in this box of thin wood.

    出自:G. K. Chesterton
  • She was imprisoned for her political activities and for her advocacy of birth control.

    出自:V. Glendinning
  • The inscrutable child who appears..both excluded and imprisoned, locked out and locked in.

    出自:Karl Miller
  • I..am as imprisoned by my time as you were by yours.

    出自:P. Lively









