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inasmuch as the debtor has no property, I abandoned the claim.


inasmuch as statistical analyses require fairly large sample sizes, the cost of such a program becomes prohibitly high.


Their father is also guilty, inasmuch as he knows what they are going to do.


Tim was given a head start in the race, inasmuch as he was smaller than the others.


This was a good decision inasmuch as it worked for you.


He was a very unusual musician inasmuch as he was totally deaf.


inasmuch as you are their parents, you are responsible for the behaviour of these kids.

因为你们是这几个孩子的父母, 你们就得对他们的行为负责.

inasmuch as the waves are high, I shall not go out in the boat.

既然风浪很大, 我就不乘船出海了.

His duty is to assist the aggrieved person inasmuch as he is able.


What he said is true, inasmuch as as I know it.


Salvation is inasmuch as it entails deliverance from judgment to final glorification.


He is a Dane inasmuch as he was born in Denmark.


After that you may pass by , inasmuch you have come to your servant.

你们既到仆人这里来, 理当如此.

inasmuch as we serve the people , we are not afraid to have our shortcomings pointed out.

inasmuchas表示明显的理由或条件, 是最为正式和语气最强的用语,表示“因为”的意思.

I inasmuch as as he is an honest man, I think you may rely upon him.

鉴于他为人诚实, 我想你可以信赖他.

Tim head start in the race, inasmuch as he was smaller than the others.

蒂姆因为个儿比其他所有人小, 所以比赛让他先跑.

They are almost unique inasmuch as scarcely any parallels to them can be found elsewhere.


  • inasmuch as she could be pleased, the idea of this marriage pleased her.

    出自:C. Blackwood






