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her infrequent visits home


Muggings are relatively infrequent in this area.


This happens not infrequently (= often) .


...John's infrequent visits to London.


Do you something that is short and infrequent?

你希望项目是短期并且不频密的 吗 ?

If written work is incomplete or attendance is infrequent, you will not pass the course.

如果没有完成书面报告或者出席率不高, 你将无法及格.

Polycystic ovary syndrome: Endocrine disorder in women, characterized by high androgen levels and infrequent or absent ovulation.

多囊卵巢症候群: 妇女内分泌疾病, 因雄激素过高而阻碍了排卵.

Barriers between nations are reared by slow and infrequent communication.


Disturbances are relatively infrequent in British prisons.


They are infrequent in a normal peripheral blood smear, and their significance is uncertain.

它们在正常的外周血涂片中是很少见的, 而且它们的意义还不确定.

This is an infrequent stamp.


Facial nerve hemangioma, weigh fungous hemangioma again, for infrequent and the benign tumor that diagnoses hard.

面神经血管瘤, 又称海绵状血管瘤, 为罕见且难以诊断的良性肿瘤.

The precursor strategy will not work because earthquakes are too complicated and too infrequent.


Some words are too infrequent to be worthy of inclusion in the dictionary.


Interruptions to large areas remain a possibility, although such occurrences may be very infrequent.

大范围的停电也是可能的, 尽管很少会发生此种情况.

These infrequent users cannot be ignored.


Is losing always a bad thing? Are you a chronic or infrequent loser?

是否丢东西总是一件坏事 呢 ?你是经常丢东西还是极少丢 呢 ?

Q: You have successfully maintained your market value despite your infrequent podium appearances of late.

问: 尽管你近来很少在领奖台上露脸,但却成功地维护着自己的市场价值.

In fact, holds the similar viewpoint professional with above bank senior manager and is not infrequent.

事实上, 与上述银行高级经理执同样观点的业内人士并不在少数.

It works, every time, barring the infrequent occasions when the software's download site is unresponsive.

这很有用, 除非不很常见的情况,比如当该软件的下载站点反应较慢时.

You have successfully maintained your market value despite your infrequent podium appearances of late.


Direct fetal injury is an infrequent complication of blunt trauma.


Research shows short, frequent sessions are generally more effective than longer, infrequent inattention.

研究表明短时间 、 高频率的学习方式比长时间低频率的学习方式更有效.

And the infrequent and indiscriminate use of the Chinese language also forms a vicious circle.


Chances to see Ashley alone were all too infrequent these days.


Kinking endotracheal tube ( ETT ) is not an infrequent problem during general anesthesia.


These loads are present at infrequent intervals during plant operation . e, g. earthquake, wind, etc.

偶然载荷在装置运行期间内是偶尔出现的载荷, 如地震 、 风载荷等.

Since then the friendship had endured, even though they met only occasionally and exchanged infrequent letters.

从那以后, 他们尽管很少见面,又不大通信,友谊却保持下来了.

Classmates are enjoying an infrequent open conversation with a few a few lucky guests.


  • A sparing and infrequent worshiper of the Deity.

    出自:W. Wollaston
  • Our meetings became more and more infrequent and then stopped altogether.

    出自:H. Jacobson








