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The whole city was a scene of jubilation.


In traditional Chinese culture red symbolizes celebration and jubilation.


In traditional Chinese culture, red symbolizes celebration and jubilation.


It is a day that the whole world joins in the jubilation.


His resignation was greeted by jubilation on the streets of Sofia.


...cheers of jubilation.


During the joyous Spring Festival, the whole world joins in the jubilation.

新春佳节, 普天同庆.

However, in these busy behind the jubilation, people seem to have a pensive mood.

然而, 在这些热闹欢腾的背后, 有一个人总显得心事重重.

My colleagues read the communique with astonishment rather than jubilation.


The new school year, new semester, we all filled with the campus an atmosphere of jubilation.

新学年, 新学期, 我们的校园处处洋溢着喜庆的气氛.

All over Pakistan, news of President Pervez Musharraf departureoffice has been greeted with jubilation.

当巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫辞职的电视讲话传遍全国, 巴基斯坦民众开始为此庆贺.

It is a day that the whole world joins in the jubilation.


The jubilation with silent psychology a person, but cannot go loving him, how to do?

心理默默的喜欢一个人, 但是不能去爱他, 怎么办?

When Wayne Rooney equalized on the hour there was only jubilation.


The soft lighting was hit in the face, a jubilation.

柔和的灯光打在人们脸上, 一片喜气洋洋.

The whole Divine Land was a scene of jubilation.


This hinders strongly the process of Judicial Expertise and the Reform of jubilation.


Beijing is applied the Olympic Games gained a success 2008, do it jubilation.

北京申办2008年奥运会取得成功, 举国上下为之欢腾.

China is the day before yesterday and sports day for jubilation.


In Madrid there was open jubilation.


Why Do People Perform Lion and Dragon Dances on Days of jubilation?


About 8: five, Beijing Paralympic Game ceremonial fire admission, scene immediately a scence of jubilation.

八时五分许, 北京残奥会圣火入场, 现场顿时一片欢腾.

The goal was greeted by jubilation from the home fans.


And then I remember his voice over the telephone, that strange mixture of fright and jubilation.


The end of the year's family installs, decorates the market, the jubilation is a subject absolutely.

年底的家装 、 装饰市场, 喜庆绝对是主题.

The laughter on the boats mingled with that on shore, adding to the jubilation on National Day.

船上和岸上的笑声交汇在一起, 增加了国庆节的欢乐气氛.

If a jubilation tells another his happy thing female, what did this show?

如果一个男的喜欢把他开心的事告诉另一个女, 这说明了什么?

I was thinking about what Roggie had said with increasing jubilation.


There was, of course, jubilation in the Ferrari camp and rightfully so.

当然, 法拉利营地中一片欢欣鼓舞.

The whole city was a scene of jubilation.


His resignation was greeted by jubilation on the streets of Sofia.


  • The jubilations of the garrison were short-lived.

    出自:C. R. Low
  • At the Harvest Festival the usual jubilation was absent.

    出自:R. K. Narayan






