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the knockout stages of the tournament


He delivered a knockout blow to all of his rivals.


...the European Cup, a knockout competition between the top teams in Europe.


She was a knockout in navy and scarlet...


The first story is a knockout.


She is such a knockout I am afraid I start to love her.


His new girlfriend is a real knockout.


knockout round display character and the corresponding binary coding.


Seeing the opponent was off guarded, the boxer landed a knockout punch.

乘对手不提防, 那拳击手一下子把他击倒了.

You really look a knockout in your new dress.


Then, the knockout round will show information and data sorting said binary formation of binary tree.

然后, 敲回车将显示数据排序信息及表示二进制形成的二叉树.

Of course, I will try to score the knockout.

当然, 我尽量用击倒的方式得分.

What's the difference between a knockout ( KO ) and a technical knockout ( TKO )?

击倒 ( 对方 ) 获胜和技术击倒获胜有什么区别?

Bobby: Why would he want to do that? I think you are a knockout!

鲍比: 他为什么想那么做 呢 ?我觉得你很出色呀!

The fight was won by a knockout.


The final knockout punch ? That has to be thrown in the direction of Johnson.

最后一个被排除掉的是谁 呢 ?应该落到约翰逊头上.

Tyson decisioned his opponent by point score rather than a knockout.


Some games I remembered we played were: Scramble , Dodge ball, Tennis baseball, Kickball, and knockout.

我记得的有,拼字游戏, 躲避球游戏, 网球棒球, 踢球, 还有拳击游戏.

GIT 1 knockout mice exhibited 60 % perinatal mortality.


Molecular techniques such as gene knockout partially support the monoamine theory of depression.


Is Millie a knockout?

米莉是个漂亮的女人 吗 ?

Among the 128 heroes, will be used knockout decided at the final winner.

128名英雄之中, 将用淘汰赛制决出最终的胜者.

Does knockout JNK 3 gene provide a protection action in spinal cord injury of mice?


Especially when you play away in knockout competitions, you have to score.

尤其当你在客场比赛的时候, 你必须进球.

What do you call an Englishman in the knockout stages of the World Cup? A referee.

在世界杯淘汰赛阶段的英格兰人该怎么称呼他? 裁判.

the knockout stages of the tournament


She was a knockout in navy and scarlet.


  • Joe's eyes glitter; his face is hard and flushed. He has won by a knockout.

    出自:C. Odets
  • The gallant Frenchman..pounded into a knockout defeat in four rounds.

    出自:Health Strength






