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The midpoint and equivalence point for carbonic acid are much higher.


If a vibrating string is lightly touched at its midpoint , its pitch goes up an octave.

如果在一根振动弦的中部轻轻一触, 它就发出高八度的音.

The centre mark is indicated at the midpoint of the halfway line.


Finding a balance and keeping it doesn mean striking a midpoint.


At the midpoint of the bridge she stopped.


Then at midpoint of the century, partly because of a draining war, the bubble burst.

但到了世纪中叶, 部分由于耗资巨大的战争, 泡沫破裂了.

The century with 2000 as its midpoint marks three additional unique, important transitions in human history.

2000年前后50年, 人类历史另有三个独特而重要的转折.

Class midpoint and chronological average both are one of the most important concepts in statistics.


Above the knee, in the depression of the midpoint of the superior patellar border.

在膝上部, 髌底的中点上方凹陷处.

midpoint Circle Algorithm source code integrity, and can be used directly.

中点圆算法源代码的完整性, 并可以直接使用.






