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当前位置:首页 单词大全 neutra...

The room was decorated in neutrals.


It was a good game to watch for the neutrals.


In my opinion, aqua is one of the great neutrals.


It was a good game to watch for the neutrals.


Look soft and natural with the sheerest neutrals and petal pinks.


Psychological warfare, used to influence the minds of friends, neutrals and foes.

心理战.用于影响友方 、 中立方和敌方的心理.

Possibly even for those of two alliances, or neutrals.

甚至可能是两个联盟, 或者中立方.

The biggest change is a calming down of colour and more integration of neutrals.


Luminosity glows through pale velum walls. Watered neutrals and translucent colors converge in this opaque - defiant palette.

耀眼的光芒透射着苍白的幕墙. 中性色协调半透明的色彩汇集在这个充满着朦胧感的色系中.

If such systems are to be operated with isolated neutrals, arc suppression coils should be used.

若这样的系统以中性点绝缘运行的话, 应采用消弧线圈.

When there are system failures or lightnings, high - magnitude overvoltages will occur on these ungrounded neutrals.

当系统发生故障或者雷电波入侵时, 这些不接地变压器中性点上会出现幅值较高的过电压.

Power system neutral 1 grounding is usually done by means of transformer and generator neutrals.


Skip dark colors and opt for white or neutrals. They'll absorb less heat.

跳过深色,选择白色或浅色. 他们会吸收不到热.






