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This desert of unattractiveness has its oasis .


They stopped for the night at an oasis.


Borne on the back of the ship of the desert, we reached the oasis at sunset.


The study is an oasis of calm in a noisy household.


The caravan stopped for the night at an oasis.


an oasis of calm


a green oasis in the heart of the city


The immaculately tended gardens are an oasis in the midst of Cairo's urban sprawl.


Disaster! The oasis that you were looking for is dried up!

大难临头! 你拼命找寻的绿洲已经干涸!

This is a rare oasis in the city.


And also I will being find my oasis.


You are the oasis of my life!


They stopped for the night at an oasis.


Amid this drabness, though, was a surprising little oasis.

在这令人乏味的市场里, 却还是有令人惊奇的小绿洲.

Music is a whole oasis in my head. The creation process is so personal and fulfilling.

音乐是我脑中的绿洲. 创作的过程是如此个人,如此满足.

This desert of unattractiveness has its oasis.


Yongchang County, complex terrain, mountains and downs, andcanals , the former Sichuan white peaks, desert oasis connected.

永昌县地形复杂, 山峦起伏, 河渠纵横, 川原山峰相间, 戈壁绿洲相连.

Yahoo ! Personals is an online oasis for single people seeking dates, romance, and lifelong partners.

雅虎 (国际)关系为单身的人们约会 、 恋爱和结婚准备的网上乐园.

Walking through the desert, we came across a beautiful oasis.

穿过沙漠后, 我们看到了一片美丽的绿洲.

Several concrete suggestions were given for construction and protection of oasis.


They kept on walking until they touch an oasis, where they decided to take a bath.

他们继续往前走,发现了一片绿洲, 他们决定在那里洗个澡.

The landscape design transforms a stone quarry into a tranquil, tropical oasis.


Borne on the back of the ship of the desert , we reached the oasis at sunset.

我们骑着骆驼, 在太阳落山时到达了这块绿洲.

TO the royal family, oasis isn't much more than errenzhuan , so what's so good about them?

绿洲乐队在英国皇室眼里, 也就是个二人转的地位吧, 为什么英国的二人转就高水平?

Step into a revitalizing oasis.


Starbucks has created an oasis, an addition to their work and family outside the third space.

星巴克创造了一个绿洲, 一个除工作和家庭之外的第三空间.

Uprear outstanding poverty of an oasis Peng is dreariness.


International Circulation: What impact will CURRENT oasis 7 have on antiplatelet therapy in patients with ACS?

《国际循环》: CURRENTOASIS7研究将对ACS患者的抗血小板治疗产生怎样的影响?

Bio 2 oasis at the South Pole?


The tableau of this photograph is rather succinct. Among the oasis several fishers cast vast nets.

此作的画面简洁得很, 在一片“绿洲”中,几条渔舟撒下了大网.

When travelling across the desert, seek out an oasis, for it will speed your journey.

穿越沙漠时要注意寻找绿洲, 它能加快你的旅程.

They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath.

他们继续走下去,后来发现了一片绿洲, 他们于是决定洗个澡.

But for enough influence or money, at least in this obscure oasis, Paris was still Paris.

但是只要有足够的权势或金钱, 至少在这个不为人知的绿州里, 巴黎还是巴黎.

Hetian is located in a fertile oasis, blessed with a variety of fruits.

和田位于肥沃的绿洲上, 盛产各种水果.

an oasis of calm


  • One oasis of calm in the turmoil of rehearsals.

    出自:S. Brett







