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He ignored the public ostentation of his time, as well as the private misery.


The statue had beauty without ostentation.


Their daughter's wedding reception was sheer ostentation.


He objected on principle to luxury and ostentation.


Consumers are abandoning the excess and ostentation of the 1980s...


On the whole she had lived modestly, with a notable lack of ostentation.


He ignored the public ostentation of his time, as well as the private misery.


Their daughter's wedding reception was sheer ostentation.


I thought that one is exaggerates; second, wins ostentation.

我以为一是言过其实, 二是哗众取宠.

Choose a life of action, not one of ostentation. ( C . Nepos )

要选择行动的一生, 而不是炫耀的一生. ( 内波斯 )

The statue has beauty without ostentation.


ostentation and revelry were ceased, for the sake of separation.

停止浮华与狂欢, 因为分开.

She had a small property, which she bequeathed with much ostentation to a religious community.

她有一份小小的财产, 已经大吹大擂地捐给一个宗教团体了.

Lavishment , ostentation and extravagance, banquet, all these are to fulfill personal selfish desire, power and battle.

浪费, 排场, 宴会都是来满足个人的私欲, 权力和斗争.

Choose a life of actlorl, not one of ostentation.

要选择行动的一生, 而不是炫耀的一生.

The statue had beauty without ostentation.


Do you reject his ostentation and glories in this world?

你们会拒绝他对于这个世界的狂妄和自大 吗 ?

Forsake your greed, abandon your appetites of ostentation.

除去你的贪心, 放弃你所炫耀的爱好.

Pedantry is the unseasonable ostentation of learning.


They lived meanly and without ostentation.


Choose a life of action, none one of ostentation.

选择行动的一生, 而不是炫耀的一生.

English : Choose a life of action, not one of ostentation.

每日名言(07.07.20)要选择行动的一生, 而不是炫耀的一生.

Chose a life of action, not one of ostentation.

要选择行动的一生, 不要选择浮夸的一生.

ostentation and extravagance patting our village really dine together, you are convinced by townspeople?

实拍我们村聚餐的排场, 城里人你服 吗 ?

Consumers are abandoning the excess and ostentation of the 1980s.


On the whole she had lived modestly, with a notable lack of ostentation.


  • You are come..and have prevented the ostentation of our love.

    出自:Anthony Cleopatra,Shakespeare






