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The report contained a plethora of detail.


A plethora of new operators will be allowed to enter the market.


You can find a plethora of free workouts and workout tips online.


This book offers a plethora of ideas, and is a wealth of regional and international information.

本书位读者提供了丰富的创意, 是国际化和具有地方特色设计的典范.

Take your pick from the plethora of BOSS Orange options and make your own style statement.


All this plethora of sight, and feeling, and thought occurred on the instant.

这许多视觉, 感觉和思想方面的活动全是一下子产生的.

This place boasts a plethora of different kinds of vegetation.


The renowned Chinese travelers Hieun Tsang and Fa Hien wrote of a plethora of sporting activities.


Finally, these marketers strategically plot how to gather and use plethora of digital data now available.

最后, 这些数位行销人有策略地收集以及使用目前可能的庞大数位资料.

The report contained a plethora of detail.


Again , this was mainly due to a plethora of public contracts.


Over time, a plethora of distinct identities can emerge.

时间长了, 可能就会出现过多截然不同的身份.

Lex Luthor: Superman's number one nemesis has had a plethora of hideouts throughout the years.

莱克斯·卢瑟: 通过多年的努力,这位超人的头号敌人拥有了许多藏身之处.

The JDBC documentation shows a plethora of parameters for your perusal.


All this plethora of sight , and feeling, and thought occurred on the instant . There was no pause of the realities wherein he moved.

尽管林林总总的形象 、 感觉 、 思想猛然袭来,在现实中他的行动却并未中断.

These wastes may contain a plethora of heavy metals, synthetic chemicals, and other toxic materials.

这些废物可能含有以大堆重金属, 合成化学物质和其他有毒的材料.

Inevitably, a competition as large as the Olympic Games creates its own plethora of statistics.

毫无疑问, 像奥运会这样的大型比赛总会创造出太多太多的统计数据.

These effects combine to produce a plethora of interesting signals that can be sought in experiments.


Students have a plethora of textbooks to choose from in their quest to improve their English.


We're also conserving Chinese forest, where there is a whole plethora of other things.

我们也在保护中国的森林, 那里有过多的其它物种.

I think they are right to question Mrs. Clinton about this plethora of envoys.


Instead, there is a plethora of private security guards.

相反, 肯尼亚有极多的私人保安.

A plethora of new operators will be allowed to enter the market.


  • With a plethora of spies there are not enough secrets to go round.

    出自:N. F. Dixon






