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a painful punch in the solar plexus


The choroid plexus is composed of loose connective tissue of the pia mater.


Brachial plexus deficits with and without shoulder dystocia . [ comment ] .

臂丛赤字和无肩 难产.

Objective : To discuss the diagnosis and treatment of heterotopic choroid plexus carcinoma.

目的: 探讨异位脉络丛癌的诊断治疗.

The lumbosacral plexus palsy was not related to age, sex, ISS.

腰骶丛麻痹与年龄 、 性别 、 ISS评分不相关.

Fig. 1 - 3 Anatomical relations of brachial plexus when limb is hyperabducted.

图 1-3 当上肢过度外展时臂丛神经局部解剖关系.

There is choroids plexus anterior in the lateral ventricle.


Brachiai plexus injury is commonly seen in rehabilitation clinic.


Brachial plexus block is a peripheral nerve block.


Successful therapy of choroid plexus carcinoma.


Isolated choroid plexus cyst or echogenic cardiac focus on prenatal ultrasound: is genetic amniocentesis indicated?

产前超声检查中独立的脉络丛囊肿或胎儿心内灶状强回声: 是羊膜腔穿刺遗传学检查的适应征 吗 ?

The most common injury is brachial plexus palsy, often caused by shoulder dystocia.

最常见的产伤是臂麻痹, 通常因肩难产引起.

Objective: To investigate the value of the electrophysiological examination in diagnosis of brachial plexus injury patients.

摘要目的: 探讨电生理检查对臂丛神经损伤的诊断价值.

Research Object : plexus injury represents severe and disabled, of which clinical diagnosis and treatment is global problem.

研究 目的 臂丛损伤是严重的致残性损伤, 临床诊治是世界性难题.

Objective To explore the clinical effects of brachial plexus block of three different local anesthetic.








