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At low frequencies, such as 10 per sec., pulsation is sensed rather than vibration.

在低频率(譬如每秒十次)时, 所感觉到的是脉冲而非振动.

If the roller pulsation, the pressure on paper as cause misregister.

如果滚子径向跳不静, 则差纸的不张辛有不小有小,致使套印禁绝.

Vortexing can cause unstable pump operation, vibration, pulsation and severe mechanical damage.

涡流可能会导致泵运行不稳定 、 振动 、 跳动和严重的机械破坏.

Service in systems involving frequent flow reversals and pulsation should be avoided.


A pulsation of the heart ; a heartbeat.


It offers the true pulsation of natural growth.


The gas pulsation of discharge hole type of scroll air compressor is studied in this paper.


DC capacitor relies on the pulsation of DC voltage, power, inductance side, and load.

突加负载时直流侧电容是由直流电压波动 、 功率 、 电感及负载决定的.

Usually, at this point, a pulsation may be felt at the end of the spine.


Objective Discuss sterilization effect of B - class pulsation table top vacuum pressure steam sterilizer for dental handpiece.


The pulsation in the original data of Doppler velocity has to be removed before the retrieval.


The basic principle and approach of Top Cement pulsation ( TCP ) technology was introduced in the paper.


She only felt the pulsation in her own fingers, and withdrew her hand with a shudder.

她感觉到的是自己手指上的脉搏, 她颤栗地收回她的手.

The result showed that the pump has the advantages of larger discharge and smaller pulsation.


Hydraulic friction welder has some disadvantages as high energy consuming, pressure pulsation, noising and heating.

液压式摩擦焊机具有能源消耗大 、 压力脉动 、 噪声、发热等缺点.






