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The lamb was a puny little thing.


They laughed at my puny efforts.


...a puny, bespectacled youth...


The resources at the central banks' disposal are simply too puny.


What a puny little creature!


Antonio was a puny lad, and not strong enough to work.

安东尼奥是个瘦小的小家伙, 身体还不壮,还不能干活.

That's the way with you whining , puny, pitiful players.

你们这种又爱哭 、 又软弱 、 又可怜的赌棍就是这样.

The men had huge bulging heads and puny bodies.


Have grandiose aims but puny abilities, great ambition but little talent.

眼高手低, 志大才疏.

puny though he looked, he was as brave as a lion.

虽然他看上去弱小, 但却十分勇敢.

The People of the Sun acknowledge your puny gift. That is all.

太阳的人民接受你们渺小的献礼了, 就是这样罗.

Alien 2 : I hate these puny undersized planets.

外星人 2: 我讨厌这些小不点的星球.

Ordinary cosmic rays are puny things.


If he had been small or puny or sickly or misshapen he would've been discarded.


And twenty of these puny lies I'll tell.


puny and sorry as those lives were, they much resembled his own.

它们的生命是那样渺小,那样可怜, 和他自己的非常相似.

Alien 2 : I hate these puny undersized planets. The gravity is so different.

外星人 2: 我讨厌这些小不点的星球. 重力是那么不一样.

Once there was a puny little concert violinist named Rudolf, who lived in Sweden.

从前在瑞典,有一身材瘦弱矮小的小提琴手, 名叫鲁道夫.

Phantom: You puny pathetic thing! I'll step on you like an ant!

幻影: 你这微不足道的可怜虫! 我要像踩死一只蚂蚁那样干掉你!

The General spurting text such as: ' Your puny weapons can't penetrate my shield! '

塔鲁格说出以下文本: “ 你那笨拙的武器无法穿刺我的盾牌! ”

Here the middle class is often puny or distorted.


The skyscraper dwarfs the surrounding buildings. By comparison to it, they seem puny.

这摩天大楼使周围的建筑物相形见拙, 比较之下它们显得微不足道.

Come now, no reason to blow a circuit over the destruction of this puny planet.

来把, 在这弱小的星球毁灭时才想著环绕这里,是无意义的.

Some doctors are pretty puny characters.


Don't pit your puny wit against my massive intelligence.


Don't just stick a puny little ad square in a remote corner somewhere.


You are a mere puny mortal , and I care nothing for you.

玩家在游戏中是渺小的, 我漠不关心.

  • He was so puny that nobody thought he would live.

    出自:B. Tarkington
  • Our love was puny, not powerful enough to live on.

    出自:I. Murdoch
  • So he's not the puny little worm you'd taken him for.

    出自:K. Amis









