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spinal injuries


...spinal fluid.


...spinal injuries.


Solid massage for the abdomen, spinal chord and thigh muscle.

按摩腹部, 脊椎和大腿肌肉.

Emotions and feelings that are hidden, repressed, end in illnesses as: gastritis, ulcer, lumbar pains, spinal.

情感和感情被隐藏 、 被压抑会导致胃炎 、 胃溃疡 、 腰腿痛 、 脊椎病.

Methods spinal bifida and tethered cord syndrome are congenital malformations.

方法 脊柱裂与脊髓栓系综合征是一种先天性疾病.

Results. A privately owned spinal implant development corporation ( K 2 M ) was developed 3 years ago.

结果:3年前,作者私人创办了一个脊柱植入发展公司 ( K2M ).

UBIO has obvious effect for alleviating secondary injury and enhancing functional recovery of spinal cord.

UBIO对 减轻脊髓继发性损伤、促进功能恢复有明显的治疗作用.

spinal echinococcosis is a rare entity, accounting for 1 % of all cases of hydatid disease.

脊柱棘球蚴病是一种罕见的情况, 占所有棘球蚴病例的1%.

Vertebra is one of the bones of the backbone or spinal column.


And presumably, such transplants could help treat such conditions as diabetes and spinal cord injury.

这样推测而言, 这种组织能够用于治疗如糖尿病和脊髓受伤等情况.

Geron's trial will involve 8 to 10 people with severe spinal cord injuries.


OH commonly occurs in persons with high level spinal cord injury ( SCI ) , limiting exercise and rehabilitation.

体位性低血压常发生在高位脊髓损伤的患者中, 影响患者的训练和康复.

Neurologic and radiologic diagnosis therefore favored a tumor of the spinal cord.


Axial load was not considered to have a clinically relevant effect on spinal canal diameters.


No GRP 94 expression was shown in lung, muscle, spinal cord and thymus.

肺 、 骨骼肌 、 脊髓及胸腺未见表达.

Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of sacral spinal dural arteriovenous fistula ( SDAVF ).

目的探讨骶部硬脊膜动静脉 瘘 的诊断与治疗方法.

Objective To study hormonal level changes of rats after spinal cord injury.


Objecties . To elucidate the mechanisms of neurogenic intermittent claudication in lumbar spinal canal stenosis.


Objective : To study the effect of glutin sponge to dura mater of spinal cord in dogs.

目的: 探讨明胶海绵对硬脊膜的影响,为临床合理应用提供依据.

Methods: Blood vessels of spinal cord stained with alkaline phosphatase and then observed with stereology method.

方法: 应用碱性磷酸酶血管染色法,对脊髓内部血管,用体视学方法作计量和观察.

Objective To study the prophylactic effect of high dose methylprednisolone in rat acute spinal cord injury.


Does knockout JNK 3 gene provide a protection action in spinal cord injury of mice?


Meningitis is an infection of the tissue that covered the brain and spinal core.


This movement lengthens your spine and tones the spinal nerves.








