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He is an extremely astute political tactician...


She is a good enough tactician to wait and see what the election brings.


As a politician Mr Ch á vez is a cool strategist, though a sometimes reckless tactician.

身为政治家的查韦斯先生是一位非常冷静的战略家, 尽管有时也是一位不计后果的战术家.

When Juve pick their next tactician, we will all have a clearer idea of the situation.

尤文选出他们的新主帅之后, 现在这种处境就会变得清晰明朗起来.

Late last week, Team New Zealand dumped its tactician Hamish Pepper and hired a Frenchman.

上周末, 新西兰队撤掉了队里的谋士汉密什?佩珀,另雇了一名法国人取代他.

But Mr Kim , for all his megalomania and paranoia , is a shrewd tactician.

金正日虽狂妄自大, 但也不失狡猾.

He is more of a strategist than of a tactician.

(他与其说是个战术家,不如说是个战略家. )

He is a great tactician, but an inadequate strategist.

他是一个伟大的战术家, 但不是什么了不起的战略家.

His skill in negotiating earned him a reputation as a shrewd tactician.


Master tactician ( Survival ): Chance to proc increased to 10 %, up from 6 %.

战斗大师 ( 生存天赋 ) 现在10%几率触发, 原来是6%.

This will be a decisive test, for many reasons assured the tactician.


Local opinion was the rock on which, like a great tactician, he built.

像一个大战术家, 他把一切建立在当地舆论的牢固基础上.

This was why an airport manager needed to be a tactician as well as versatile administrator.


She is a good enough tactician to wait and see what the election brings.


He is an extremely astute political tactician.


  • A clever tactician at office politics.

    出自:J. Heller






