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thirdly, we must be fair and reasonable.


thirdly, he should receive moral education.


thirdly, honesty can make our society more stable.


thirdly, I would like to say that'u2026


First of all, there are not many of them, and secondly, they have little money and, thirdly, they have few big businesses.


thirdly, why does the part cast an analyst to always do not value Alibaba?

其三, 部分投行分析师为何总不看好阿里巴巴?

thirdly, to perfect and the coordinated the content system, guaranteed each concrete link coordination.

第三 、 完善和协调内容体系, 统筹安排各具体环节.

thirdly, we demonstrate the relation between factor technology and distribution institution.

第三, 我们论述了技术要素与分配制度的关系.

thirdly, money as a store of wealth.

第三, 金钱充当一个商店的财富.

thirdly, they all have a good start.

第三, 他们都有一个好的最先.

It is thirdly, international capital flow attains unprecedented scale.

其三是, 国际资本流动达到空前规模.

thirdly, large numbers of cadres are needed to extend the campaign of economic construction.

第三, 经济建设运动的开展,需要有很大数量的工作干部.

thirdly, marketing goal and strategy are worked out.

在确定目标市场后, 制订了营销目标和营销策略.

thirdly, its color should be basically a plane design.

在线造型下, 色彩基本为平面设置.

thirdly, it describes function. situation of urban forest research, focus issues and development trends.

并阐述了城市森林国内外的研究动态 、 当前城市森林研究的热点问题及其城市森林的发展趋势.

thirdly, it can help us to shun trade barriers, and widen the export market.

再次, 有利于我们规避各种贸易壁垒, 维护和开辟了出口市场.

thirdly , different forms of video evidence have different admissibility rules.


thirdly, the pattern and concrete form of the checking procedure for Case - falling should be perfected.

再次, 对民事再审立案审查程序的模式和具体形式进行规范化.

thirdly, the cooperation way, mechanism between firms in Japan and United States of America is analysed.

再次, 对日本、美国网络内企业之间合作的方式 、 合作机制进行了分析.

thirdly, the inclement weather adaptive signal control is analyzed.

再次, 本文针对恶劣天气下自适应控制方法进行了分析.

thirdly, the path choosing algorithm is studied.

第三, 对路径选择算法进行了研究.

thirdly, it also discusses how to determine the leasing price.


thirdly, a family of scale masks constructed only using different sampling rate of standard gauss curve.


thirdly, catalogues are a hassle free means of purchasing beads beaded items.

第三, 按商品目录购买珠子和珠宝首饰会省去麻烦.

thirdly, must improve level of beauty depending on independent action of life.

第三, 必须依靠生命的自主活动提升美的水平.

thirdly, application of MOX fuel in CANDU reactor is studied and appropriate fuel composition is chosen.

然后, 本文进行了MOX燃料在CANDU重水堆中应用可行性研究,并优选出燃料的成分.

thirdly the analyzes the application of the SHRM system in WT.


thirdly, you will get discount when you are participating in the Chinese Society's events.

然后, 就是,在您参加我们学生会的一些活动中,会员 总 是可以享受额外的折扣.

thirdly, she presents the feminine life positive just writing and the masculine life submissive writing phenomenon.

其三, 女性生命的阳刚书写与男性生命中的阴柔书写现象.

thirdly, it expounds the philosophy significance of the revolution in biology theory and technology in whole.


First of all, there are not many of them, and secondly, they have little money and, thirdly, they have few big businesses.







