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The murder remains unresolved.


...unresolved issues.


In chapter 6, we have summarized our work and unresolved problems have been proposed.

第六章为全文总结, 在全文总结中提出了可以在该产品上进一步研究和开发完善的方面.

ONE of the unresolved 'u2014 and rather bitter 'u2014 disputes in evolutionary biology is between the creeps and the jerks.


Despite the two sides'progress on economic ties, more thorny political and military issues remain unresolved.

尽管促进双方关系发展的是经济纽带, 更多棘手的政治和军事问题仍然未决.

Her past unresolved feelings of anger and powerlessness were projected onto Harris's watching TV.


Establish and use a set of keywords to flag unresolved issues.


Since the suspect hasn't been found, the case simply had to be left unresolved.

由于找不到嫌疑人, 这个案件只能不了了之了.

Cavitations damage is an unresolved problem in the sewage treatment system up to now.


The identity of the sailor and unresolved.


If Kosovo remains unresolved and restive, the EU will not admIt'serbia as a member.

如果科索沃问题悬而未决且难以控制, 欧盟不会承认塞尔维亚为一个成员国.

Where one has an unresolved contradiction, there one has a problem.

哪里有没有解决的矛盾, 哪里就有问题.

The problem unresolved are discussed and the further development trends are pointed.


Although it has been almost a year since the earthquake, psychological problems, if unresolved, tend persist.

虽然地震已过了将近一年, 但是没得到解决的心理问题往往会继续.

Yet the primary points of opposition, the genetic slavery and crystal energy management remained unresolved.

然而,双方对立的主要焦点 —— 基因奴隶制度和水晶能源的管理,仍然没有得到解决.

In addition, some unresolved problems on the subject are also outlined.


Important compromises have been made in the draft framework, but some important issues remain unresolved.

在起草框架文件时作了重要妥协, 但一些重要问题仍未解决.

Many problems remain unresolved.


At the end of the meeting, a number of important questions were still unresolved.

会议结束时, 一些重大的问题仍悬而未决.

They generally use overworking, overeating, or other addictions a way to numb their unresolved painful feelings.

他们通常会以过度工作 、 饮食或其他耽溺行为,来麻醉未解决的痛苦感觉.

However, the problems such as tensions between the populace and legislators remained unresolved.


Stripe shader on scan data immediately highlight areas of problematic surfacing and unresolved design problems.


But our ability is limited and there are still many medical problems unresolved.


However, the problems such as tension between the populace and legislators remained unresolved.


There's too many issues unresolved.


Other sources said that several issues remained unresolved, including how to protect Ford's intellectual property.

其他消息人士说,还有若干问题仍然没有得到解决, 包括如何保护福特的知识产权.

He argues that family problems are typically a comment on some unresolved issues in the family.


unresolved or unacknowledged fears can trigger sleepwalking.







