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The urethra originates at the neck of the bladder.


The patients were asked to micturate to distend the urethra.


The endoscope used is inserted through the urethra, and that insertion can cause damage.

内窥镜通过尿道进入身体的时候, 很可能造成损伤.

The sick cow frequently attempts urination and pulsates the urethra over the ischium arch.


The reconstruction of the male urethra is a difficult problem in today's urology.


Objective To evaluate method of transurethral resection by Holmium laser for condyloma acuminata in the urethra.


Do not collect the semen while there is drug applied over the urethra or urethral orifice.


Epithelial polyps of the urethra in adults are uncommon lesions.


Objective Inquiry into the B super in the urethra calculus examine a patient of applied value.


The urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.

泌尿系统包括肾 、 输尿管 、 膀胱和尿道.

Embryology of the male anterior urethra.


Because it is situated a round the urethra ( bladder pipe ), enlargement causes obstruction in urethra.

由于它位于尿道 ( 通向膀胱的管道 ) 周围, 它增大时可引起尿道阻塞.

Similarly, the male urethra can be Trichomonas women with the semen into the vagina.

同样, 男性尿道内的毛滴虫可随着精液进入女性阴道内.

Objective : To investigate an optimal procedure for surgical treatment of condyloma acuminatum of male anterior urethra.

目的: 寻求治疗男性前尿道尖锐湿疣的最佳手术方法.

This is also true of spongy tissue surrounding the urethra.


Purpose : To explore the correlation factor in diabetes patients complicated with urethra infection.


Williams D I. Rupture of the female urethra in childhood. Eur Urol, 1975, 1:129.

刘志平.女性尿道损伤及其后遗症的治疗. 解放军医学杂志,1985, 10, 445.

The patients were asked to micturate to distend the urethra.


I have the abscess urethra, rectum and bladder perineal or around by connective tissue inflammation, clearance.

偶有脓肿破入尿道 、 直肠、会阴或膀胱周围间隙,引起结缔组织炎.

Objective : To study foreskin epithelium culture in vitro asbasicin the further research of tissue engineering urethra.

目的: 收集兔的小块包皮组织,分离培养上皮细胞,并传代增殖,为组织工程化尿道构建提供细胞来源.

There were 49 cases hematuria, 16 cases urethra infection, 7 cases defeat in 663 patients.

检查后血尿49例, 经保守治疗后2d血尿消失;尿路感染16例.

Objective To evaluate the diagnosis and treatment of penetrating wounds in anorectum and postvesicular urethra.


urethra damage showed the temporary filling defect or rigid marginated narrowness, with typical damage history.

尿道损伤则表现为暂时性的充盈缺损或边缘较僵直的狭窄段, 有典型的外伤史.

We reviewed the literature on urothelial carcinoma in the prostatic urethra and prostate.


Short and straight women's urethra, anus easily be close to the pollution.

女子尿道短而直, 又靠近肛门易被污染.

Gonorrhea can occur in the reproductive organs, urethra, rectum and throat.

淋病可以发生在生殖器 、 尿道 、 直肠和喉咙.

But no organs and tissues available have the same function and anatomy with urethra.


Objective : To investigate the bacteria in anterior urethra of male patients with gonococcal urethritis ( NGU ).

目的: 了解男性非淋菌性尿道炎 ( NGU ) 患者前尿道菌群分布情况.

The urethra originates at the neck of the bladder.


Objective To study the effects of syndrome of the female urethra with the ionizing operating apparatus.









