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He is a doctor of urology.


They opened up an outpatient urology clinic.


Our business includes ostomy care, urology and continence care and wound and skin care.

公司产品主要涉及造口护理 、 泌尿及失禁护理、伤口及皮肤护理三大领域.

Laparoscopic urology is a subspecialty emerged and popularized worldwide in the last decade.


The reconstruction of the male urethra is a difficult problem in today's urology.


Science and Technology Association Member, Chinese Medical Association Society of urology, city director of andrology.

中国科学技术协会会员, 中华医学会泌尿外科学会会员, 市男科学会理事.

Endourology developed rapidly and was applied extensively in urology in recent years.


Has 20 years experience in urology and male genital system.


Writing in the British Journal of urology, the researchers said the increase was'significant '

研究者发表在英国泌尿学杂志的文章称:这个增长 “ 意义重大 ”

According to the hospital desk staff, on the day urology Kaizhen.

据医院服务台人员表示, 当日全天泌尿科未开诊.

There is minimal hemorrhage, necrosis or invasion of adjacent renal parenchyma ( urology 1997 ; 50:679 ).

可有少量出血 、 坏死或附近肾实质的 浸润.

urology: Medical specialty dealing with the urinary system and male reproductive organs.

泌尿外科学: 诊断及治疗泌尿系统及男性生殖系统的医学专科.

I would like to transfer you to the gynecology ( surgery, dermatology, urology department ).

我要将你转到妇科 ( 外科 、 皮科 、 泌尿科 ) 去.

Make efforts to contribute to the cause of development of urology in China.


Some people are genetically predisposed to symptoms of overactive bladder, the American urology Association says.


This article commented the advancement of tissue engineering technology in urology.


Common surgeries include specialties of urology, cardiology and orthopedics as well as gastrology.

普通外科包括泌尿外科、心脏外科 、 整形外科以及消化外科.

urology, Tongji Hospital of Suzhou physician, male urinary disease experts, the Chinese Medical Association, Member Institute.

苏州同济医院泌尿科主治医师, 泌尿男性病专家, 中华医学会 、 性学会会员.








