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Some affected children will have skin lesions that mimic urticaria.


His urticaria eruption resolved 3 hours later.


Objective : To observe the clinical effect of Kangxunwan on acute urticaria in pilots.

目的: 观察抗荨丸治疗飞行员急慢性荨麻疹的临床疗效.

His urticaria eruption resolved 3 hours later.


Jiang Aiping said patients there are many causes of urticaria.


How does chronic urticaria effect a radical cure?


Moreover, four cases of acute lumbar sprain, hysteria, urticaria and facial spasm were introduced.

并例举其治疗急性腰扭伤 、 癔病 、 荨麻疹、面肌痉挛病例四则.

Conclusion Children with acute urticaria might be associated with heart injury.


Some affected children will have skin lesions that mimic urticaria.


Acetyl choline can how is sexual urticaria treated?


The diagnosis and treatment of essential acquired cold urticaria and cystitis are discussed in the article.


Conclusion BICOM allergy therapy is effective in treatment of urticaria patients without any side effects.


What does the traditional Chinese medical science of artificial sex urticaria treat a method to have?


Objective To discuss the treatment of acquired cold urticaria.


The disease often associated with other types of urticaria and angioedema merger.


urticaria was discussed from constitution, cause of disease and focus.

从体质 、 病因、病位三方面分析荨麻疹中医辨证要素.

Autoimmune urticaria is a special subset of chronic idiopathic urticaria ( CIU ).

自身免疫性荨麻疹是慢性特 发性 荨麻疹的特殊类型.

Objective To investigate the effect and safety of desloratadine for the treatment of chronic idiopathetic urticaria ( CIU ).

目的 观察地洛他定治疗慢性特 发性 荨麻疹效果及安全性.

Acute urticaria, also known as urticaria, is a common allergic skin disease.

急性荨麻疹又称风疹块, 是常见的过敏性皮肤病.

Days of high temperature, humidity, skin of people suffering from urticaria to increase a lot.

连日高温 、 潮湿, 患荨麻疹皮肤病的人增加了不少.

Objective : To evaluate the clinical value of autologous serum skin test ASST in chronic urticaria.

目的: 评价自体血清皮肤试验在慢性荨麻疹中的临床应用价值.

Produce the phenomenon of chronic urticaria pet.


Objective 171 patients with chronic urticaria were diagnosed and treated by BICOM 2000 allergy therapy.


Methods 217 cases of chronic urticaria were treated with mizolastine for 2 weeks.


Other presenting signs such as angioedema, generalized urticaria and cardiovascular collapse would suggest anaphylaxis.

其他表现如血管性水肿 、 全身荨麻疹和心血管性虚脱提示出现过敏反应.

Objective To explore the mechanism of Paeoniae Add Glycyrrhizae Oral Liquid Plus in treating acute urticaria.

目的 探讨加味芍药甘草口服液对急性荨麻疹的治疗作用机制.

Some patients with acne vulgaris, papular urticaria and lip hyperpigmentation also had positive patch test.

痤疮 、 丘疹性荨麻疹、唇部色素沉着亦有阳性结果.

Objective To learn the curative effect of chronic urticaria treated with tranilast.


Objective To observe the efficacy and safety of mizolastine on treating chronic urticaria.


OBJECTIVE : To observe the curative effects and safety of compound glycyrrhizin in the treatment of acute urticaria.

目的: 观察复方甘草酸苷治疗急性荨麻疹的疗效和安全性.







