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vesicle often rises on the foot, what reason be?


In contrast to the process of vesicle formation, vesicle micelles appears to be a rapid process.

而相对于囊泡的形成, 囊泡的破坏过程是十分迅速的.

Objective To explore the clinical value of transcectal ultrasound seminal vesicle diseases.


How did a vesicle grow to do on the hand?


How is vesicle rising on the hand to return a responsibility?


Objective : To study the etiopathogenisis and management of seminal vesicle enlargement.

目的: 了解精囊扩张的病因及处理方法.

Conclusion Measurement of ADCs may be used to characterize seminal vesicle lesions.


A small blister or vesicle, especially one of multiple blisters caused by a mild burn.

小''.'水疱'.''小''.'水疱'.''或水泡, 尤指中度烧伤造成的众多''.'水疱'. ''中的一个.

Aim To investigate the lactate transportation of myocardium sarcolemmal vesicle ( SLV ) in normotensive and hypertensive rats.

目的在离体心脏灌流模型及分离的心肌肌膜囊泡上,比较自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)和对照 ( Wistar- KyotoWKY ) 大鼠心肌L- 14C- 乳酸盐的摄入,及心肌肌膜囊泡(SLV)对乳酸盐转运的特征.

vesicle A small vacuole of variable origin and shape.


Transrectal ultrasonography ( TRUS ) has been used in detection of seminal vesicle pathology recently.

近来经 直肠 超音波检查已渐被应用于侦测储精囊的病变.

The defining morphological feature of chemical synapses is the vesicle cluster in the presynaptic nerve terminal.


How is a vesicle rising in child mouth to a responsibility?


The seminal vesicle functions as a gland, secreting and storing thecomponent of the seminal fluid.

精囊腺作为一个腺体发挥功能, 分泌和储存精囊液.

What comes to the vesicle of crural bifurcation unripe little?


On the hand seasonal how can ~ treat long vesicle?


In addition, the seminal vesicle, the vas deferens and prostate gland's relations are closer.

此外, 精囊 、 输精管和前列腺的关系更为密切.

Ultrastructure on dictyosome and its vesicle secretion during the development of floral nectary Arabidopsis thaliana L.


Graafian follicle [ vesicle ]

[解]囊状卵泡 ( 格拉夫氏卵泡 )

What reason is vesicle growing on the hand?


Liver area discovers a vesicle, medical group says small cyst, how be met?

肝区发现有个小水泡, 医学界称小囊肿, 会怎样 呢 ?

Pathology A blister , pustule, or cyst filled with fluid or air; a vesicle.

充气或充水的水疱 、 脓疱或包囊; 水疤.






