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He unwarily tread upon a viper asleep just before his feet.


Be careful of that viper; he is dangerous.


The Red viper does not kneel to attack an opponent who controls more characters than you.


That night, viper found courage, a power far more potent than venom.

那一夜, 灵蛇找到了勇气, 那比毒液更具有杀伤力的武器.

Thus explaining why viper Sting is such a crucial factor in defeating Paladins.


Sometimes imbalance is the source of their power, as it is with Iron Palm and viper.

有些时候,这种不平衡正是其力量之源, 就好像铁掌式与蝮蛇式一样.

The villagers avoided him because of his association with the villain and viper.


viper : I'm sorry, Brother! I thought you said you were ready.

对不起, 哥们儿! 我以为你说你准备好了.

In the end it bites like a snake and poisons like a viper.


Envy lucks at the bottom of the human heart a viper in its hole.


He unwarily treads upon a viper asleep just before his feet.


viper: Are your ready?

蛇: 你是否准备好了?

Be careful of that viper; he is dangerous.

小心那个阴险的人, 他很危险.

There are about 13000 pallas pit viper ( Agkistrodon halys ) in Snake Island.

前者为渤海上一个岛屿,目前有 13000 多条黑眉蝗蛇在岛上活动.

Wine bites a snake and poisons like a viper.


Dave Grohl played a surprise gig at the viper Room last month.


There was a to viper Sting recently. It'should be much less a priest killer.

我们最近已经重重地砍了蝰蛇钉刺一刀. 它应该不再是牧师杀手了.

However viper Sting exploited that weakness to a very punishing degree.


He positively hated me, the little viper 'u2013 yet he couldn't stay away from me.

比如说莫尔多夫,据鲍里斯和克朗斯塔特说,他自封为上帝了, 这条小毒蛇毫无疑问在恨我,可他又离不开我.

NIV In the end it bites like a snake and poisons like a viper.


While thus looking upwards, he unknowingly trod upon a viper asleep just before his feet.

由于只看着上面, 他不知不觉的踩到一条睡在他脚边的毒蛇.

A venomous tropical American pit viper ( Bothrops atrox ) having brown and grayish markings.

矛头蛇一种产于美洲身上有褐灰色斑点的热带毒蛇 ( 矛头蝮矛头蝮属 )

Rattlesnakes belong to the viper family.


That treacherous villain, as vicious as a viper, stopped at no evils.

那个阴险的恶棍心如蛇蝎, 无恶不作.

You've had a pit viper and a ferret under your stage since Tuesday?


Agkistrodon halys pallas belonging to viper family is only growing in China.


He carries a viper in his right hand and wears a tarnished crown upon his brow.


Better off with cconcussive shot, followed by stacking viper or Serpent and just doing straight damage.

最好在使用后接上震荡射击, 紧接着靠连续的毒刺或者蝎刺造成直接伤害.

What article does Starbuck use to identify the body in the crashed viper?


vipera wagneri [ Wagners viper ]

魏氏 ?

As this Gaboon viper strikes, the dying rat's heart pumps venom around its body.

当这条加蓬湾毒蛇袭击时, 濒死的老鼠心脏会抽取毒液.

  • Where is this viper That would depopulate the city and Be every man himself?







