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当前位置:首页 单词大全 zipper

The zipper is a wonderful invention.


No, seriously, your zipper's down.


The zipper doesn't look good. Can you change it to a invisible zipper?

这拉链不好看, 能否改为隐形拉链?

She stood looking at him for an instant, then felt at the zipper of her overalls.

她站着看他一会儿, 便伸手去拉工作服的拉链.

I can't , ' and made a zipper motion across his mouth . '

然后他在他的 嘴边 做了一个拉链的动作.

Keep 4 ' zipper for the pocket. Spec has been revised to match sample. '

请给口袋保留4''的拉链, 工艺单已经 跟据 样品进行了更新.

The information contained in DNA is determined primarily by the sequence of letters along the zipper.


Lowepro's Overlap zipper ? is an extra protectionmoisture.

乐摄宝率先设计的交叠 拉链 能够特别有效的防尘防水.

Visualization products have zipper, fillers at a glance.

成品均有可视拉链, 填充物一目了然.

Suitable for cutting hook & Loop fastener , elastics, plastic zipper paper, plastics.

本机适于粘扣带, 松紧带, 塑胶拉练,纸带,塑胶带,排线, 套管.

The zipper is red.


He called the zipper a slide fastener.


I thought Americans are so stupid and they only know how to deal with zipper.


Everything is held together by carved teeth, like a zipper.

木椅的所有连接都是因为自身的牙咬合在一起的, 跟拉链差不多.

Do the pillows have a zipper for the filling or can they be blow filled.


Front zipper and a waist drawstring.


The instructor demonstrated the proper way to sew in a zipper.


He was carrying a tan zipper bag and wearing a raincoat.


Black jacket with 4 pockets and double layer enclosures: zipper, and buttons.

4个口袋的黑色夹克和加倍分层附件: 拉链和钮扣.

Nylon , resin, metals series zipper the product's occupation manufactory.

经营信息:尼龙、钢 、 属系列拉链产品的专业研发 、 造、售商.

The zipper is a wonderful invention.


Invisible zipper Foot: for stitching the invisible zipper.

隐形拉链压脚: 用来装隐形拉链.

Body is opening with invisible coil zipper at centre back.


Residue is probably only a bar that camping zipper.


Mainly have three metal. Nylon zipper. Resin series, is a large modern specialized enterprise.

主要有金属.尼龙. 树脂三大拉链系列, 是大型的现代化专业企业.

Did you screw up the zipper?


The zipper is broken, could you put a new one on for me?

拉链坏了, 可以帮我换一条新的 吗 ?

Description Fully lined jacket with zipper, square collar, single jetted pocket, knitted rib at hem.

立领,全里拉链机褛, 单唇代,袖口有介英开袖叉, 脚围用针织罗纹.

These jeans don't have a zipper.







