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当前位置:首页 单词大全 area

  1. 面积
  2. 地区,区域,区,地域
  3. 范围,领域
  4. 方面
  5. 地方
  6. 庭院,场地
  7. 采光井
  8. 部位
  9. 地面
  10. 空地,平地,地下室前的空地
  11. 环节
  12. 《地域》季刊
  1. [C][U]面积 size of a flat place
  2. [C]区域,地区 part of a country; part of the world
  1. a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography);

    "it was a mountainous area"
    "Bible country"

  2. a subject of study;

    "it was his area of specialization"
    "areas of interest include..."

  3. a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve;

    "in the abdominal region"

  4. a particular environment or walk of life;

    "his social sphere is limited"
    "it was a closed area of employment"
    "he's out of my orbit"

  5. a part of a structure having some specific characteristic or function;

    "the spacious cooking area provided plenty of room for servants"

  6. the extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary;

    "the area of a rectangle"
    "it was about 500 square feet in area"

Anarea is a particular part of a town, a country, a region, or the world.

e.g. ...the large number of community groups in thearea...
e.g. 60 years ago half the French population still lived in rural areas.

Yourarea is the part of a town, country, or region where you live. An organization'sarea is the part of a town, country, or region that it is responsible for.

e.g. Local authorities have been responsible for the running of schools in their areas...
e.g. If there is an election in yourarea, you should go and vote.

A particulararea is a piece of land or part of a building that is used for a particular activity.

e.g. ...a picnicarea.
e.g. ...the main check-inarea located in Terminal 1.

Anarea is a particular place on a surface or object, for example on your body.

e.g. You will notice that your baby has two soft areas on the top of his head.

Thearea of a surface such as a piece of land is the amount of flat space or ground that it covers, measured in square units.

e.g. The islands cover a totalarea of 625.6 square kilometers...
e.g. Although large inarea, the flat did not have many rooms.

You can usearea to refer to a particular subject or topic, or to a particular part of a larger, more general situation or activity.

e.g. ...the politically sensitivearea of old age pensions.
e.g. ...the internationalization of the economy and all other areas of society...

7.(足球场上)同penalty area
On a football pitch,the area is the same as thepenalty area.

8. see also: catchment area;disaster area;grey area;penalty area

1. 地区:是何其伟大的课程. 建议第三条修改为「充实社会学习领域之基本知识」以符实际,并避免将本领域内容无限膨胀. 回应:地方(place)、区域(region)、地区(area)、乡土(homeland)等用词,可依所欲表达的空间特性适当采用,不必做范围大小的界定.

2. 范围:训练和补充教育的定期文件证明是一个基本要件,多数建筑公司使用每日的日志以记录花在不同计画阶段中的时间,这些日志能很容易地适用於实习发展计画(IDP)的各个训练范围(area)实习生在训练过程中,

3.areaarearepresentative; 地区代表






