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当前位置:首页 单词大全 axe

  1. 斧,斧子
  2. 战斧,砍头斧,刽子手的斧
  3. 解雇,人员裁减
  4. (机构等的)撤销,砍除,砍掉
  5. (计划等的)取消
  6. (经费的)大幅度削减
  7. 乐器(尤指管乐器和吉他),表演者的乐器
  1. =ax(美)
  1. 砍,用斧砍
  2. 用斧把…砍死
  3. 大量削减,大刀阔斧地削减,精简
  4. 解雇,开除,裁减
  5. 切掉,割掉
  6. 去掉,消除,除去,摆脱
  7. 取消(计划等)
  1. [C]斧子 a tool with a wooden handle an a heavy metal blade, used for chopping wood, cutting down trees, etc.
  2. [S](遭)解雇; 倒闭; 被停业 (informal)if sb gets the axe, they lose their job; if an institution or a project gets the axe, it is closed or stopped, usually because of a lack of money
  1. vt. 用斧把…砍死 kill sb with an axe
  2. vt. 解雇; 开除 remove sb from their job
  3. vt. 精简; 削减 get rid of a service, system, etc. or to reduce the money spent on it by a large amount
  1. an edge tool with a heavy bladed head mounted across a handle

  1. chop or split with an ax;

    "axe wood"

  2. terminate;

    "The NSF axed the research program and stopped funding it"

in AM, use 美国英语用 ax

Anaxe is a tool used for cutting wood. It consists of a heavy metal blade which is sharp at one edge and attached by its other edge to the end of a long handle.

If someone's job or something such as a public service or a television programmeis axed, it is ended suddenly and without discussion.

e.g. Community projects are being axed by hard-pressed social services departments.

If a person or institution is facingthe axe, that person is likely to lose their job or that institution is likely to be closed, usually in order to save money.


e.g. St Bartholomew's is one of four London hospitals facing theaxe.

If someonehas an axe to grind, they are doing something for selfish reasons.

e.g. He seems like a decent bloke and I've got noaxe to grind with him.

1. 斧王:很多人都以为他是象剑圣那般靠输出攻击杀人,因而白白浪费了斧王本身的特质--希望这篇攻略能帮助不大了解他的朋友. 二、介绍蒙哥.卡恩 (Mogul Kahn) 斧王 (axe) Strength 19 + 2.5 A...

2. 斧头:需求:斧头(axe),树木(trees)假使你想砍伐一颗树,你需要一把斧头和一点伐木工人技能. 它决定你从砍下的树木切割下木材(woods)的成功率. 而砍下来的木材能卖钱,或是使用木匠技能转换成木料(lumber). 你也可以使用制弓术将木材制成弓.






