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当前位置:首页 单词大全 bag

  1. 包,手提包,旅行袋
  2. 袋子,纸袋,塑料袋
  3. 猎获物
  4. 大量,很多
  5. 一袋
  6. 黑眼圈,眼袋浮肿
  7. 丑妇,泼妇
  8. 袋状物
  9. 猎袋,猎囊
  10. 裤子
  11. 携带全部财产
  12. 瘦骨嶙峋的人, 皮包骨
  13. 钱包
  1. 收集
  2. 把…装进袋子,装袋
  3. 捕获(动物),猎获
  4. …是我的
  5. 我要求…
  6. 占据,抢占,占有
  7. 私吞,偷窃,窃取
  8. 膨胀如囊,使膨大,(使)膨胀
  9. 松垂,宽松地下垂, 松垂如袋
  10. 吞没
  11. 怀孕
  12. 击落
  13. 使成袋状
  14. 得分
  15. 获得,得到
  16. 抓获并且逮捕某人(黑社会用语)
  17. 死亡
  1. [C]袋,包 container made of cloth, leather, paper, etc., with an opening top, for holding things
  2. [C]袋状物 things resembling a bag
  3. [C]猎获物 all the birds, animals, etc. shot or caught
  1. vt. 装袋 put into a bag or bags
  2. vt. 打死; 捕获 kill or catch
  3. vt. 未经许可而拿走 take (sth) without permission
  4. vi. 宽松地下垂,鼓胀 sag or hang loosely
  1. a flexible container with a single opening;

    "he stuffed his laundry into a large bag"

  2. the quantity of game taken in a particular period (usually by one person);

    "his bag included two deer"

  3. a place that the runner must touch before scoring;

    "he scrambled to get back to the bag"

  4. a container used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories (especially by women);

    "she reached into her bag and found a comb"

  5. the quantity that a bag will hold;

    "he ate a large bag of popcorn"

  6. a portable rectangular container for carrying clothes;

    "he carried his small bag onto the plane with him"

  7. an ugly or ill-tempered woman;

    "he was romancing the old bag for her money"

  8. mammary gland of bovids (cows and sheep and goats)

  9. an activity that you like or at which you are superior;

    "chemistry is not my cup of tea"
    "his bag now is learning to play golf"
    "marriage was scarcely his dish"

  1. capture or kill, as in hunting;

    "bag a few pheasants"

  2. hang loosely, like an empty bag

  3. bulge out; form a bulge outward, or be so full as to appear to bulge

  4. take unlawfully

  5. put into a bag;

    "The supermarket clerk bagged the groceries"

Abag is a container made of thin paper or plastic, for example one that is used in shops to put things in that a customer has bought.


Abag is a strong container with one or two handles, used to carry things in.

e.g. She left the hotel carrying a shoppingbag.

Abag is the same as ahandbag .

If you havebags under your eyes, you have folds of skin there, usually because you have not had enough sleep.


If you say there isbags of something, you mean that there is a large amount of it. If you say that there arebags of things, you mean that there are a large number of them.

e.g. ...a hotel with bags of character.

If someone calls a woman an oldbag or a stupidbag, they are insulting her.

If youbag something that a lot of people want, you get it for yourself before anyone else can get it.


e.g. The smart ones will have already bagged their seats by placing cards on them.

8. see also: bum bag;carrier bag;mixed bag;shoulder-bag;sleeping bag;tea bag

If you say that something isin the bag, you mean that you are certain that you will get it or achieve it.


e.g. 'I'll get the Republican nomination,' he assured me. 'It's in thebag.'

If youare left holding the bag, you are put in a situation where you are responsible for something, often in an unfair way because other people fail or refuse to take responsibility for it.

e.g. I don't want to be left holding thebag if something goes wrong.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 be left holding the baby

If youpack yourbags, you leave a place where you have been staying or living.

e.g. Police arrived at his hotel and ordered him to pack his bags.

12. to let the cat out of thebag -> see cat

相关词组:bag up

1. 书包:随后Courage准备了实物道具:兔子(rabbit)和书包(bag),让孩子们随着口令把兔子放在书包的相应位置上. 哈哈,这一切难不倒孩子们,他们完成的十分出色,不仅把兔子准确无误的放在正确的位置上,而且还能准确说出方位单词. 看到这一切,Courage不由得竖起了大拇指......









