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当前位置:首页 单词大全 consta...

  1. 不变的,固定的,恒定的,一定的,始终如一的,恒久的
  2. 忠诚的,忠贞不渝的,忠实的
  3. 不停的,接连不断的,持续的,不断的,连续发生的
  4. 不屈不挠的
  5. 重复的
  6. 稳定的
  1. 不变的事物,不变物
  2. 【数、理】常量,常数,恒量,衡量
  3. 恒定(值),不变值
  4. 系数
  5. 【语法】定项
  6. 持久
  7. Benjamin constant(Henri Benjamin constant de Rebecque)贡斯当(1767-1830,法国作家、政治家,原籍瑞士)
  8. 常量绝对常数(absolute constant
  9. 常量任意常数(arbitrary constant
  10. 常项
  1. 始终如一的,恒久不变的 fixed or unchanging
  2. 不断的,连续发生的 continually happening or repeated; regular
  3. 忠实的,忠诚的 loyal; faithful
  1. a quantity that does not vary

  2. a number representing a quantity assumed to have a fixed value in a specified mathematical context;

    "the velocity of light is a constant"

  1. unvarying in nature;

    "maintained a constant temperature"
    "principles of unvarying validity"

  2. steadfast in purpose or devotion or affection;

    "a man constant in adherence to his ideals"
    "a constant lover"
    "constant as the northern star"

  3. uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing;

    "the ceaseless thunder of surf"
    "in constant pain"
    "night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city"
    "the never-ending search for happiness"
    "the perpetual struggle to maintain standards in a democracy"
    "man's unceasing warfare with drought and isolation"
    "unremitting demands of hunger"

You useconstant to describe something that happens all the time or is always there.

e.g. She suggests that women are underconstant pressure to be abnormally thin...
e.g. Inflation is aconstant threat...

The direction of the wind is constantly changing...
We are constantly being reminded to cut down our fat intake.

If an amount or level isconstant, it stays the same over a particular period of time.

e.g. The average speed of the winds remainedconstant.

Aconstant is a thing or value that always stays the same.


e.g. In the world of fashion it sometimes seems that the onlyconstant is ceaseless change...
e.g. Two significant constants have been found in a number of research studies.

You can useconstant,continual, andcontinuous to describe things that happen or exist without stopping. You describe something asconstant when it happens all the time or never goes away.He was in constant pain. ...Eva's constant criticism.Continual is usually used to describe something that happens often over a period of time, especially something undesirable....his continual drinking. ...continual demands to cut costs. If something iscontinuous, it happens all the time without stopping, or seems to do so....days of continuous rain. ...a continuous background noise.
constant, continual 和 continuous 均可用来描述不断发生或一直存在的事物。constant 表示一直在发生或从未消失:He was in constant pain (他的疼痛一直没有消停),Eva's constant criticism (伊娃没完没了的批评)。continual 通常用来形容一段时期内经常发生的事,尤其是令人讨厌的事:his continual drinking (他经常饮酒),continual demands to cut costs (不断要求削减成本)。continuous 表示一直没有间断,或者貌似如此:days of continuous rain (淫雨霏霏的日子),a continuous background noise (持续不断的背景噪音)。

1. 常量:IABLE) 常量(constant)和信号(SIGNAL) 前 两种可以从传统的计算机高级语言中找到对应的数据类型 其语言行为与高级语言中的变 KONXIN 杭州康芯电子有限公司第 4 章 VHDL 语言要素 KONXIN 59 量和常量十分相似 但信号这一数据对象比较特殊 它具有更多的硬件特征是 VHDL 中 最有特色的语言要素之一 从硬件电路系统来看 变量和

2. 恒定的:d)a=dv/dt=-9.8 这个说明加速度是恒定的(constant)突然想到题目说负的要说明方向. . . 那加速度就是9.8,方向朝下. .

3.constant:const; 常数,常量

4.constant:c; 常数







