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当前位置:首页 单词大全 deal

  1. 交易,买卖
  2. 大量
  3. 待遇
  4. 发牌(者)
  5. 协定
  6. 木板,木材,木料
  7. 量,数额,数量
  8. 所发的牌
  9. 一圈,一场
  10. 密约
  11. 政策
  12. 松木
  13. 枞木
  1. 应付,对付,处理,
  2. 分配,分给,分派,分
  3. 交易,(做)买卖,经营,做...生意,与…有生意往来
  4. 发(牌)
  5. 从事,参与,和…有关,涉及
  6. 予以,给予,施予
  7. 论及,讨论,论述
  8. 非法买卖(毒品)
  9. 令…震惊,给...以打击,使...受到伤害,给...一击,打击
  10. 对待(人),为人,表现(与with连用)
  11. 考虑
  12. 采取行动
  13. 把…分成份额
  1. vt. 分给,分配 give especially as a share of sth
  2. vt. & vi. 发牌 give out (playing cards) to players in a game
  3. vt. 打击 strike (a blow)
  1. [C]〈美·非正〉协议,〈非正〉交易,安排 an agreement or arrangement
  2. [S]数量,程度 a quantity or degree, usually large
  3. [S]待遇 a particular type of treatment that is given or received
  4. [U]发牌 the process of giving out cards to players in a card game
  1. a particular instance of buying or selling;

    "it was a package deal"
    "I had no further trade with him"
    "he's a master of the business deal"

  2. an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each;

    "he made a bargain with the devil"
    "he rose to prominence through a series of shady deals"

  3. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent;

    "a batch of letters"
    "a deal of trouble"
    "a lot of money"
    "he made a mint on the stock market"
    "see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos"
    "it must have cost plenty"
    "a slew of journalists"
    "a wad of money"

  4. a plank of softwood (fir or pine board)

  5. wood that is easy to saw (from conifers such as pine or fir)

  6. the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time;

    "I didn't hold a good hand all evening"
    "he kept trying to see my hand"

  7. the type of treatment received (especially as the result of an agreement);

    "he got a good deal on his car"

  8. the act of distributing playing cards;

    "the deal was passed around the table clockwise"

  9. the act of apportioning or distributing something;

    "the captain was entrusted with the deal of provisions"

  1. act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression;

    "This book deals with incest"
    "The course covered all of Western Civilization"
    "The new book treats the history of China"

  2. take into consideration for exemplifying purposes;

    "Take the case of China"
    "Consider the following case"

  3. take action with respect to (someone or something);

    "How are we going to deal with this problem?"
    "The teacher knew how to deal with these lazy students"

  4. come to terms with;

    "We got by on just a gallon of gas"
    "They made do on half a loaf of bread every day"

  5. administer or bestow, as in small portions;

    "administer critical remarks to everyone present"
    "dole out some money"
    "shell out pocket money for the children"
    "deal a blow to someone"
    "the machine dispenses soft drinks"

  6. do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood;

    "She deals in gold"
    "The brothers sell shoes"

  7. be in charge of, act on, or dispose of;

    "I can deal with this crew of workers"
    "This blender can't handle nuts"
    "She managed her parents' affairs after they got too old"

  8. behave in a certain way towards others;

    "He deals fairly with his employees"

  9. distribute cards to the players in a game;

    "Who's dealing?"

  10. direct the course of; manage or control;

    "You cannot conduct business like this"

  11. give out as one's portion or share

  12. give (a specific card) to a player;

    "He dealt me the Queen of Spades"

  13. sell;

    "deal hashish"


If you say that you need or havea great deal of ora good deal of a particular thing, you are emphasizing that you need or have a lot of it.

e.g. ...a greatdeal of money...
e.g. I am in a position to save you a gooddeal of time.

Adeal of something is a lot of it.


e.g. He had adeal of work to do.


If youmake adeal ,do adeal, orcut adeal, you complete an agreement or an arrangement with someone, especially in business.

e.g. Japan will have to do adeal with America on rice imports...
e.g. The two sides tried and failed to come to adeal...

If a person, company, or shopdeals in a particular type of goods, their business involves buying or selling those goods.

e.g. Theydeal in antiques...
e.g. ...the rights of our citizens to hold and todeal in foreign currency.

If someonedeals illegal drugs, they sell them.

e.g. I certainly don'tdeal drugs.

...his involvement in drug dealing and illegal money laundering.

If someone has had abad deal, they have been unfortunate or have been treated unfairly.


e.g. The people of Liverpool have had a baddeal for many, many years.

If youdeal playing cards, you give them out to the players in a game of cards.

e.g. The croupier dealt each player a card, face down...
e.g. He once dealt cards in an illegal gambling joint.

If an eventdeals a blow to something or someone, it causes them great difficulties or makes failure more likely.

e.g. The summer drought has dealt a heavy blow to the government's economic record...
e.g. The French were dealt another blow yesterday when Serge Viars withdrew from the squad.

7. see also: dealings;wheel and deal. a raw deal
-> see raw

相关词组:deal outdeal with

1. 买卖;交易:其实,这有点像赌徒心理,投资出现损失,这是很正常的现象,就连投资大师也很难回避,据资料显示,很多国际投资大师买完就套的次数多于买了就涨的次数,甚至很多技术派大师失败的买卖交易(deal)多于成功的买卖交易(deal).

2. 派牌:再具体一些,又可分为狭义移牌(Pass)、换牌(Move)、控牌与偷牌(Keep&Steal)和派牌(deal). Pass相信不用我多解释,说起这个词每个扑克爱好者都有本自己的圣经;换牌和派牌我们在千术中经常可以看见,说起什么Secenddeal相信大家都耳熟能详;

3.deal:data entry application language; 数据登录应用语言

4.deal:decision evaluation and logic; 决策评估和逻辑









