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  1. 执行
  2. 实行
  3. 演奏
  4. 完成
  5. 技巧
  6. 制作
  7. 杀伤力
  8. 履行
  9. 扮演
  10. 手法
  11. 死刑
  12. 处死刑
  13. 破坏效果
  14. 贯彻
  15. 强制执行
  16. 执行命令
  17. 作成
  18. 签名盖印使法律文件生效
  19. 执行法律
  1. [U][C]依法处决 (a case of) lawful punishment
  2. [U]实行,执行 the carrying out, performance, or completion of an order, plan, or piece of work
  3. [U]演奏,表演 skill in performing music
  1. putting a condemned person to death

  2. the act of performing; of doing something successfully; using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it;

    "they criticised his performance as mayor"
    "experience generally improves performance"

  3. (computer science) the process of carrying out an instruction by a computer

  4. (law) the completion of a legal instrument (such as a contract or deed) by signing it (and perhaps sealing and delivering it) so that it becomes legally binding and enforceable

  5. a routine court order that attempts to enforce the judgment that has been granted to a plaintiff by authorizing a sheriff to carry it out

  6. the act of accomplishing some aim or executing some order;

    "the agency was created for the implementation of the policy"

  7. unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by a human being

1. 实施:我的总结基本依据时间顺序,从新项目的提出(proposal),酝酿(incubation),实施(execution) 直到首尾(fruitation). 既是和大家分享,也是自勉,因为我自己也并不是每一条都能做到.

2. 实行:一直以来,我们都是先考虑概念(concept)和实行(execution),然后,我们再会看看是否可以用一个好价格生产出好质量的产品. 如果事实证明因价格、技术或概念原因无法生产出一个设计,那这个设计就会纳入限量发行版本之列. 例如林美的手工抽屉柜,

3. 完成:Services体系结构是面向对象分析与设计(OOAD)的一种合理发展(logicalprovider的一个具体实现(implementation)正处于开发阶段、部署阶段或完成(execution)阶段时,对其(具体实现)进行绑定.






