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当前位置:首页 单词大全 gain

  1. 获得;获得物
  2. 增加,增添
  3. 获利;得益
  4. 利润,收益,经济收益;利益,好处;增值
  5. 腰槽
  6. 雄榫上的斜肩
  7. 报酬,奖金
  8. 改进
  9. 盖恩(音译名)
  10. 该隐,《圣经》中亚当和夏娃的长子
  1. 获得,赢得,得到;使得到
  2. 到达
  3. (钟、表等)走快
  4. 得益,获利,赚钱
  5. 取得进展,得到改善 ,增进健康
  6. 增加,增添,增长
  7. 在...上开腰槽,用腰槽连接
  8. 打胜(战争、官司)
  9. 前进,进步
  10. 争取...(到一边),说服
  11. 吸引, 引起
  1. vt. 获得,赢得 obtain sth useful, necessary, earned, etc.
  2. vt. & vi. 增加; 获利 have an increase in sth
  3. vt. & vi. (钟表)走快 (of a watch or clock) work too fast (by an amount of time)
  4. vt. 抵达 reach (a place), especially with effort or difficulty
  1. [U]获益; 增财 the act of making a profit; increase in wealth
  2. [C]利润; 增加 a profit; increase in amount
  1. a quantity that is added;

    "there was an addition to property taxes this year"
    "they recorded the cattle's gain in weight over a period of weeks"

  2. the advantageous quality of being beneficial

  3. the amount of increase in signal power or voltage or current expressed as the ratio of output to input

  4. the amount by which the revenue of a business exceeds its cost of operating

  1. obtain;

    "derive pleasure from one's garden"

  2. win something through one's efforts;

    "I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese"
    "gain an understanding of international finance"

  3. derive a benefit from;

    "She profited from his vast experience"

  4. reach a destination, either real or abstract;

    "We hit Detroit by noon"
    "The water reached the doorstep"
    "We barely made it to the finish line"
    "I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts"

  5. obtain advantages, such as points, etc.;

    "The home team was gaining ground"
    "After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference"

  6. rise in rate or price;

    "The stock market gained 24 points today"

  7. increase or develop;

    "the peace movement gained momentum"
    "the car gathers speed"

  8. earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages;

    "How much do you make a month in your new job?"
    "She earns a lot in her new job"
    "this merger brought in lots of money"
    "He clears $5,000 each month"

  9. increase (one's body weight);

    "She gained 20 pounds when she stopped exercising"

If a person or placegains something such as an ability or quality, they gradually get more of it.

e.g. Students cangain valuable experience by working on the campus radio or magazine...
e.g. While it has lost its tranquility, the area has gained in liveliness.

If yougain from something such as an event or situation, you get some advantage or benefit from it.

e.g. The company didn't disclose how much it expects togain from the two deals...
e.g. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by feeling bitter..

Togain something such as weight or speed means to have an increase in that particular thing.


e.g. Some people dogain weight after they stop smoking...
e.g. The BMW started coming forward, passing the other cars and gaining speed as it approached...

If yougain something, you obtain it, especially after a lot of hard work or effort.

e.g. They realise that passing exams is no longer enough togain a place at university...
e.g. Their efforts helped the hostagesgain their freedom.

If you do somethingfor gain, you do it in order to get some advantage or profit for yourself, and for no other reason.

e.g. ...buying art solely for financialgain.

If something such as an idea or an idealgains ground, it gradually becomes more widely known or more popular.

e.g. There are strong signs that his views are gaining ground...
e.g. The Christian right has been steadily gaining ground in state politics.

If you do something in order togain time, you do it in order to give yourself enough time to think of an excuse or a way out of a difficult situation.

e.g. I hoped togain time by keeping him talking.

相关词组:gain on

1. 获得利益:外汇风险可能具有两种结果,或是获得利益(gain或是遭受损失(Loss). 一个国际企业组织的全部活动中,即在它的经营活动过程、结果、预期经营收益中,都存在着由于外汇汇率变化而引起的外汇风险. 在经营活动中的风险为交易风险(TransactionExposure),

2. 利益:外汇风险可能具有两种结果,或是获得利益(gain或是遭受损失(Loss).


3. gain的近义词

3.gain:global alliance for improved nutrition; 全球营养改善联盟

4.gain:global aviation information network; 全球航空信息网









