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当前位置:首页 单词大全 hang

  1. 闲荡,徘徊
  2. 等待
  3. 逗留,停一下
  4. 泡在一块儿,长时间待在一起
  5. 不放弃
  6. (被)绞死,(被)吊死
  7. 垂下,垂吊
  8. 倾斜
  9. 倚靠,凭依
  10. 贴(画等于墙上),贴壁纸,裱(壁纸)
  11. 点缀,装饰
  12. 突出,使伸出
  13. 迫近
  14. (被)安装
  15. 把...挂起,挂在墙上, 挂在…之上
  16. 悬挂展出
  17. 披下
  18. 固定
  19. 挂图画等装饰
  20. 把(门)装在门柱上,装(门)
  21. 吊,悬,挂,悬挂,悬着,吊着
  22. 附着
  23. 犹豫不决,踌躇
  1. 诀窍,要点
  2. 用法,做法
  3. (悬挂)方式,悬挂的样子
  4. 大意
  5. 暂停
  6. 下垂(方式)
  7. 掌握…的要领,了解...的用法,找到了诀窍
  8. 意义
  9. 概念
  10. 少量
  11. 杭,中国姓氏的音译
  1. vt. & vi. 悬,挂,垂下 support from above so that the lower end is free bent down or forward; drop
  2. vt. 贴,固定,安装 fix (wallpaper) on a wall; fix (a door) in position on hinges
  3. vt. & vi. (被)绞死,吊死 die, especially in punishment for a crime, by dropping with a rope around the neck
  1. a special way of doing something;

    "he had a bent for it"
    "he had a special knack for getting into trouble"
    "he couldn't get the hang of it"

  2. the way a garment hangs;

    "he adjusted the hang of his coat"

  3. a gymnastic exercise performed on the rings or horizontal bar or parallel bars when the gymnast's weight is supported by the arms

  1. be suspended or hanging;

    "The flag hung on the wall"

  2. cause to be hanging or suspended;

    "hang that picture on the wall"

  3. kill by hanging;

    "The murderer was hanged on Friday"

  4. let drop or droop;

    "hang one's head in shame"

  5. fall or flow in a certain way;

    "This dress hangs well"
    "Her long black hair flowed down her back"

  6. be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive;

    "This worry hangs on my mind"
    "The cloud of suspicion hangs over her"

  7. give heed (to);

    "The children in the audience attended the recital quietly"
    "She hung on his every word"
    "They attended to everything he said"

  8. be suspended or poised;

    "Heavy fog hung over the valley"

  9. hold on tightly or tenaciously;

    "hang on to your father's hands"
    "The child clung to his mother's apron"

  10. be exhibited;

    "Picasso hangs in this new wing of the museum"

  11. prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury

  12. decorate or furnish with something suspended;

    "hang wallpaper"

  13. be placed in position as by a hinge;

    "This cabinet door doesn't hang right!"

  14. place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction;

    "hang a door"

  15. suspend (meat) in order to get a gamey taste;

    "hang the venison for a few days"

The form hung is used as the past tense and past participle. The form hanged is used as the past tense for meaning 5. hung 是过去式和过去分词。hanged 是义项5的过去式。

If somethinghangs in a high place or position, or if youhang it there, it is attached there so it does not touch the ground.

e.g. Notices painted on sheetshang at every entrance...
e.g. A light-bulb hanging from the ceiling filled the room with a cold yellow light...

If a piece of clothing or fabrichangs in a particular way or position, that is how it is worn or arranged.

e.g. ...a ragged fur coat that hung down to her calves...
e.g. Look for a suit made from good, sturdy cloth to ensure it hangs well...

If somethinghangs loose orhangs open, it is partly fixed in position, but is not firmly held, supported, or controlled, often in such a way that it moves freely.

e.g. ...her long golden hair which hung loose about her shoulders...
e.g. The window sashes were missing, the doors hung open, or were gone altogether...

If something such as a wallis hung with pictures or other objects, they are attached to it.

e.g. The walls were hung with huge modern paintings.
e.g. ...a line of wall hooks hung with old anoraks and mud-stained overalls.

If someoneis hanged or if theyhang, they are killed, usually as a punishment, by having a rope tied around their neck and the support taken away from under their feet.

e.g. The five were expected to be hanged at 7 am on Tuesday...
e.g. It is right that their murderers shouldhang...

Four steamboat loads of spectators came to view a hanging in New Orleans.

If something such as someone's breath or smokehangs in the air, it remains there without appearing to move or change position.


e.g. His breath was hanging in the air before him...
e.g. A haze of expensive perfume hangs around her.

If a possibilityhangs over you, it worries you and makes your life unpleasant or difficult because you think it might happen.

e.g. A constant threat of unemployment hangs over thousands of university researchers...
e.g. A question mark hangs over many of their futures.

hang is used in expressions such ashang it andhang the money to indicate that you are not concerned about something or the consequences of doing something.

e.g. Once the Americans decide to do a thing, they do it well, andhang the cost.

If youget the hang of something such as a skill or activity, you begin to understand or realize how to do it.

e.g. It's a bit tricky at first till you get thehang of it.

If you tell someone tohang in there or tohang on in there, you are encouraging them to keep trying to do something and not to give up even though it might be difficult.

e.g. hang in there and you never know what you might achieve.

If youlet it all hang out, you relax completely and enjoy yourself without worrying about hiding your emotions or behaving politely.

12. tohang by a thread -> see thread
tohang on someone's every word -> see word

相关词组:hang aroundhang backhang onhang outhang roundhang togetherhang up


1. 悬挂:这个 列表由'ohang' 列表类型 构建.'.It'宏 只能被 插入 (inset), 悬挂 (hang), 和 标记列表类型宏 分析,且 不能 被调用.widthFl'把 宽度设置为 标志 (flag)的 缺省 宽度.所有 可调用的宏 都有 一个缺省 宽度值.目前'.Fl'的 值设为 十个字符宽度,

2. hang

2. 中止:英特尔指出,经检验后,发现MTH的系统信号干扰问题会造成主板间歇性的重新启动(restart)、重新开机(reboot)与异常中止(hang),而更严重的甚至会造成资料的毁灭.

3. hang

3.hang:hg.; 悬吊









