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当前位置:首页 单词大全 hook

  1. 镰刀
  2. 【高尔夫球、板球】左曲球
  3. 【拳击】勾拳
  4. 陷阱
  5. 钩,挂钩,针钩
  6. 钩扣
  7. 钓鱼钩
  8. 听筒架
  9. 【音】吸引人哼唱不已的叠句
  10. 广告促销花招
  11. 电视连续剧吊人胃口的悬疑情节
  12. 钩状物
  13. 吊钩是前苏联研制的一种直升机
  14. 手;手指头
  15. 【航海学】锚
  16. 【音】(音符的)符尾
  17. 小偷,扒手
  1. 用钩钩住,钩住
  2. 被钩住
  3. 以钩拳打
  4. 【棒球、板球】使成左曲球;打曲线球
  5. 弯成钩状;把…弯成钩状
  6. 扣(衣服)的扣子
  7. 钓(鱼)
  8. 引上钩,上钩
  9. 挂住,箍住,吊住
  10. 把…接通电子设备
  11. 与某人来往、搭档工作
  12. 用钩挂;用钓钩钓
  13. 用钩针织
  14. 用角尖挑
  15. 欺骗
  16. 踢弧线球
  17. 用钩连结
  18. (牛等以角)抵破,抵伤
  19. 当妓女
  1. vt. & vi. 钓住,吊住,挂住 catch with a hook; hang on or fasten (as if) with a hook
  2. vt. 使弯成钩形 make sth into the form of a hook
  1. [C]挂钩; 渔钩 a curved piece of metal or plastic used for hanging things on or for catching fish
  2. [C]钩拳 a blow given with the elbow bent
  3. [C]转弯处 thing shaped like a hook in a curving point of land
  1. a catch for locking a door

  2. a sharp curve or crook; a shape resembling a hook

  3. anything that serves as an enticement

  4. a mechanical device that is curved or bent to suspend or hold or pull something

  5. a curved or bent implement for suspending or pulling something

  6. a golf shot that curves to the left for a right-handed golfer;

    "he took lessons to cure his hooking"

  7. a short swinging punch delivered from the side with the elbow bent

  8. a basketball shot made over the head with the hand that is farther from the basket

  1. fasten with a hook

  2. rip off; ask an unreasonable price

  3. make a piece of needlework by interlocking and looping thread with a hooked needle;

    "She sat there crocheting all day"

  4. hit a ball and put a spin on it so that it travels to the left

  5. take by theft;

    "Someone snitched my wallet!"

  6. make off with belongings of others

  7. hit with a hook;

    "His opponent hooked him badly"

  8. catch with a hook;

    "hook a fish"

  9. to cause (someone or oneself) to become dependent (on something, especially a narcotic drug)

  10. secure with the foot;

    "hook the ball"

  11. entice and trap;

    "The car salesman had snared three potential customers"

  12. approach with an offer of sexual favors;

    "he was solicited by a prostitute"
    "The young man was caught soliciting in the park"

Ahook is a bent piece of metal or plastic that is used for catching or holding things, or for hanging things up.

e.g. One of his jackets hung from ahook.
e.g. ...curtain hooks...

If youhook one thingto another, you attach it there using a hook. If somethinghooks somewhere, it can be hooked there.

e.g. Paul hooked his tractor to the car and pulled it to safety.
e.g. ...one of those can openers that hooked onto the wall.

If youhook your arm, leg, or foot round an object, you place it like a hook round the object in order to move it or hold it.


e.g. She latched on to his arm, hooking her other arm around a tree...
e.g. I hooked my left arm over the side of the dinghy.

If youhook a fish, you catch it with a hook on the end of a line.


e.g. At the first cast I hooked a huge fish.

Ahook is a short sharp blow with your fist that you make with your elbow bent, usually in a boxing match.

e.g. Lewis desperately needs to keep clear of Ruddock's big lefthook.

If youare hooked into something, orhook into something, you get involved with it.

e.g. I'm guessing again now because I'm not hooked into the political circles...
e.g. Eager tohook into a career but can't find one right for you?

If youhook into the Internet, you make a connection with the Internet on a particular occasion so that you can use it.

e.g. ...an interactive media tent where people will be able tohook into the internet.

If someone getsoff the hook or is letoff the hook, they manage to get out of the awkward or unpleasant situation that they are in.

e.g. Government officials accused of bribery and corruption get off thehook with monotonous regularity...
e.g. His opponents have no intention of letting him off thehook until he agrees to leave office immediately.

If you take a phoneoff the hook, you take the receiver off the part that it normally rests on, so that the phone will not ring.


If your phoneis ringing off the hook, so many people are trying to telephone you that it is ringing constantly.

e.g. Since war broke out, the phones at donation centers have been ringing off thehook.

11. byhook or by crook -> see crook;line;and sinker
hook -> see sinker

相关词组:hook up

1. 挂钩:5.5 挂钩(hook)5.5.1 为什么引入挂钩 在Apache1.3版本中,对HTTP请求的处理包括若干个固定阶段,比如地址转换阶段、身份确认阶段、身份认证阶段、权限确认阶段、MIME类型识别阶段等等,这也意味着Apache1.3中的挂钩数目是有限的,固定的.









