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当前位置:首页 单词大全 openin...

  1. 开始
  2. 开,启
  3. 孔,洞,穴,口,空隙
  4. 空地,广场
  5. 开头,开端,开始的部分
  6. (职位的)空缺
  7. 开幕,开场,首演
  8. 机会,机遇
  9. (游戏、棋类的)开局
  10. 【律】(提证据前辩护人)开始的陈述
  11. 【证券】开市,开盘
  1. 开始的,开首的,开篇的
  2. 第一,首次的
  1. 动词open的现在分词
  1. [C]开幕; 开张; 开端 the act of becoming or making open, especially officially
  2. [C]洞,缺口 a hole or clear space
  3. [C]空缺,缺额 an unfilled job position
  1. [A]首次的,开始的 first; beginning
  1. an open or empty space in or between things;

    "there was a small opening between the trees"
    "the explosion made a gap in the wall"

  2. a ceremony accompanying the start of some enterprise

  3. becoming open or being made open;

    "the opening of his arms was the sign I was waiting for"

  4. the first performance (as of a theatrical production);

    "the opening received good critical reviews"

  5. the act of opening something;

    "the ray of light revealed his cautious opening of the door"

  6. opportunity especially for employment or promotion;

    "there is an opening in the sales department"

  7. the initial part of the introduction;

    "the opening established the basic theme"

  8. a possible alternative;

    "bankruptcy is always a possibility"

  9. an aperture or hole that opens into a bodily cavity;

    "the orifice into the aorta from the lower left chamber of the heart"

  10. a vacant or unobstructed space that is man-made;

    "they left a small opening for the cat at the bottom of the door"

  11. an entrance equipped with a hatch; especially a passageway between decks of a ship

  12. a recognized sequence of moves at the beginning of a game of chess;

    "he memorized all the important chess openings"

  13. the first of a series of actions

  1. first or beginning;

    "the memorable opening bars of Beethoven's Fifth"
    "the play's opening scene"

Theopening event, item, day, or week in a series is the first one.

e.g. They returned to take part in the season'sopening game.
e.g. ...theopening day of the fifth General Synod.

The opening of something such as a book, play, or concert is the first part of it.

e.g. Theopening of the scene depicts Akhnaten and his family in a moment of intimacy.

Anopening is a hole or empty space through which things or people can pass.

e.g. He squeezed through a narrowopening in the fence.

Anopening in a forest is a small area where there are no trees or bushes.

e.g. I glanced down at the beach as we passed anopening in the trees.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 clearing

Anopening is a good opportunity to do something, for example to show people how good you are.


e.g. Her capabilities were always there; all she needed was anopening to show them.

Anopening is a job that is available.

e.g. We don't have any openings now, but we'll call you if something comes up.

7. see also: open

1. 开口:...(3) 网目数(mesh),网布厚度(thickness),线径(diameter),开口(opening)的关系 ... 覆以原稿底片,再抽真空使其密接感光,经显像后即成为可印刷的网版. .... 品质-最笔直的线路侧壁,(衡量标准为蚀刻因子etching factor 其定义见图4.3),

2. opening

2. 开幕:最近北京,某时尚盛典开幕(opening). 周迅、高圆圆、阿朵、林熙蕾等一线女星出席了运动. 下面小编带大家(Allpeople)看看她们的妆容怎样吧!相看待(Treat)另外的女星的性感出彩,林熙蕾的妆扮就显得简单(Simple)了许多,尊贵(Honorable)典雅的发髻,

3. (打开):1)与MM开启一场单一话题的对话 打开(opening)致力于接近一个你不认识的女人(更常见的是mm和团体在一起,因为女人通常不在社交场合落单),并开启一段对话.

4. opening什么意思

4. 开松:134开松(opening)刚开包的压实短纤维棉块、棉卷用开今年内机进行预先开松分散,使短纤充分分离,为下一步梳理成网工序作准备. 135混和纤维(Blend)依配方组成的两种或两种以上的纤维混和体,用于纺纱或制成布. 136梳理(Carding)制作纤,

5. opening什么意思

5.opening:open; 偏移量






