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当前位置:首页 单词大全 refuse

  1. 拒绝,谢绝,推辞, 推却,回绝,拒受,不受,拒给,拒作
  2. 不准,拒不,不肯,不愿
  3. 固辞,辞退
  4. 不肯跃过,不肯越过障碍物,不肯跳过而突然停住
  5. 拒婚
  6. 打不出同花牌
  7. 发生故障失效
  8. 抵制
  1. 垃圾,废物,废料,废品,废弃物
  2. 残渣,渣屑,渣滓,糟粕
  3. 工厂废材
  1. 无用的,无价值的
  2. 垃圾的,废料的
  3. 废弃的,扔掉的
  1. vt. & vi. 拒绝 state one's strong unwillingness to accept; say no (to); not give or allow
  1. [U]废料,废物,垃圾 waste or worthless material; rubbish
  1. food that is discarded (as from a kitchen)

  1. show unwillingness towards;

    "he declined to join the group on a hike"

  2. refuse to accept;

    "He refused my offer of hospitality"

  3. elude, especially in a baffling way;

    "This behavior defies explanation"

  4. refuse to let have;

    "She denies me every pleasure"
    "he denies her her weekly allowance"

  5. resist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ;

    "His body rejected the liver of the donor"

  6. refuse entrance or membership;

    "They turned away hundreds of fans"
    "Black people were often rejected by country clubs"

The verb is pronounced /rɪ'fjuːz/. The noun is pronounced /'refjuːs/ and is hyphenated ref|use. 动词读作/rɪ'fjuːz/。名词读作/'refjuːs/,分音节点位置为ref|use。

If yourefuse to do something, you deliberately do not do it, or you say firmly that you will not do it.


e.g. He refused to comment after the trial...
e.g. He expects me to stay on here and I can hardlyrefuse.

If someonerefuses you something, they do not give it to you or do not allow you to have it.

e.g. The United States has refused him a visa...
e.g. She was refused access to her children...

If yourefuse something that is offered to you, you do not accept it.

e.g. He offered me a second drink which I refused...
e.g. The patient has the right torefuse treatment.

refuse consists of the rubbish and all the things that are not wanted in a house, shop, or factory, and that are regularly thrown away; used mainly in official language.

e.g. The District Council made a weekly collection ofrefuse.

Do not confuserefuse anddeny. If yourefuse to do something, you deliberately do not do it, or you say firmly that you will not do it....people who refuse to change their opinions... He refused to condemn them. You canrefuse something that someone offers you.The patient has the right to refuse treatment. If someone does not allow you to have something you ask for, or to do something you have asked to do, you can say that theyrefuse you.He can run to Dad for money if I refuse him. If youdeny something, you say that it is not true.The allegation was denied by government spokesmen. If someonedenies you something, they do not allow you to have it.I never denied her anything.
不要混淆 refuse 和 deny。refuse 指有意或坚决地拒绝。如,people who refuse to change their opinions(拒绝改变观点的人),He refused to condemn them(他拒绝谴责他们)。refuse 也可以表示拒绝接受别人给你的东西:The patient has the right to refuse treatment(病人有权利拒绝接受治疗)。refuse 后面可以直接接人,表示拒绝某人的要求或拒绝某人做某事。如,He can run to Dad for money if I refuse him(如果我不给他的话,他可能跑去找爸爸要钱)。deny 指否认某事属实,如,The allegation was denied by government spokesmen(政府的发言人否认了该项指控)。deny 也指不给予,如,I never denied her anything(我对她从来都是有求必应)。

1. 拒绝:可借鉴国外的做法,即为了实现可持续旅游的目标,推行实施10个R行动,即:认知(reco gnize)环境保护及可持续发展的重要性;拒绝(refuse)参与任何对环境有损的旅游活动;减少(reduce)对不可再生资源的使用量;


2. 垃圾:固定废物处理:垃圾发电前景良好固体废物是指人类在生产、生活过程中产生的对所有者不再具有使用价值而被废弃的固态和半固态物质. 一般而言,在生产过程中产生的固体废物俗称废渣(residue)在生活活动过程中产生的固体废物则称为垃圾(refuse).

3. 废弃物:然后按p键划定收集原料的范围,至少要划分木材、食物、石头和废弃物(refuse)的收集范围. 石头的尽量划大一点,将来你会有很多石头掘出来. 因为这只是一个收集范围,所以不用建筑的.









