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当前位置:首页 单词大全 revers...

  1. (使)翻转
  2. 撤销,取消
  3. 【机】(使)倒退, 使倒开,倒退行驶
  4. (使)反向
  5. 彻底改变, 完全改变
  6. 【律】推翻
  7. (使)颠倒
  8. (使)反转,(使)倒转,逆转
  9. 交换,掉换
  10. 翻(案)
  11. 【机】回动
  12. 向左转
  13. 使成正相反的东西
  14. 使绕行
  15. 使完全相反
  16. 废除
  17. 使次序颠倒
  18. 承认错误
  19. 放弃(立场)
  20. 反过来,在背面
  1. 相反的,颠倒的
  2. 反面的,背面的
  3. 反向的
  4. 回动的
  5. 反对的
  6. 倒转的,翻转的
  7. 背后的,朝后的
  8. 【生】倒卷的,反卷的
  9. 倒开的
  10. 逆流的
  11. 左卷的
  12. 逆转的
  1. 相反
  2. 失败,挫折
  3. 背面,反面,后面
  4. 反向
  5. 倒转
  6. 倒霉
  7. 倒退
  8. 【机】回动 ,回动装置
  9. 反对
  10. 颠倒
  11. 托尾
  12. 逆境,不幸
  13. 倒挡
  14. 相反的情况
  15. 损失
  1. vt. & vi. 反转; 颠倒; 翻转 turn the other way round or up or inside out
  2. vt. 使倒退 cause to go in the opposite direction
  1. [A]相反的,颠倒的,反向的 opposite to the usual or former, especially in position or direction
  1. [S]相反 the opposite; the other way round
  2. [S]钱币的反面〔背面〕 the side of a coin that does not show the ruler's head
  3. [C]失败,挫败 a defeat or change to a worse condition
  4. [U]倒车挡; 倒转装置 gear for backwards movement
  1. a relation of direct opposition;

    "we thought Sue was older than Bill but just the reverse was true"

  2. the gears by which the motion of a machine can be reversed

  3. an unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating

  4. the side of a coin or medal that does not bear the principal design

  5. (American football) a running play in which a back running in one direction hands the ball to a back running in the opposite direction

  6. turning in the opposite direction

  1. directed or moving toward the rear;

    "a rearward glance"
    "a rearward movement"

  2. of the transmission gear causing backward movement in a motor vehicle;

    "in reverse gear"

  3. reversed (turned backward) in order or nature or effect

  1. change to the contrary;

    "The trend was reversed"
    "the tides turned against him"
    "public opinion turned when it was revealed that the president had an affair with a White House intern"

  2. turn inside out or upside down

  3. rule against;

    "The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill"

  4. cancel officially;

    "He revoked the ban on smoking"
    "lift an embargo"
    "vacate a death sentence"

  5. reverse the position, order, relation, or condition of;

    "when forming a question, invert the subject and the verb"

When someone or somethingreverses a decision, policy, or trend, they change it to the opposite decision, policy, or trend.

e.g. They have made it clear they will notreverse the decision to increase prices...
e.g. The rise, the first in 10 months, reversed the downward trend in Belgium's jobless rate.

If youreverse the order of a set of things, you arrange them in the opposite order, so that the first thing comes last.

e.g. In the squares place a penny, nickel, dime and quarter in that order. The object is toreverse the order of these coins...
e.g. The normal word order is reversed in passive sentences.

If youreverse the positions or functions of two things, you change them so that each thing has the position or function that the other one had.

e.g. He reversed the position of the two stamps.

When a carreverses or when youreverse it, the car is driven backwards.

e.g. Another car reversed out of the drive...
e.g. He reversed and drove away...

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用back up

If your car isin reverse, you have changed gear so that you can drive it backwards.

e.g. He lurched the car inreverse along the ruts to the access road.

reverse means opposite to what you expect or to what has just been described.

e.g. The wrong attitude will have exactly thereverse effect.

If you say that one thing isthe reverse of another, you are emphasizing that the first thing is the complete opposite of the second thing.

e.g. There is absolutely no evidence at all that spectators want longer cricket matches. Quite thereverse...
e.g. This would lead one to expect a fat, dense and detailed autobiography. Thereverse is true. The book is short and spare.

Areverse is a serious failure or defeat.

e.g. It's clear that the party of the former Prime Minister has suffered a majorreverse.

The reverse orthe reverse side of a flat object which has two sides is the less important or the other side.

e.g. Cheques should be made payable to Country Living and your address written on thereverse.

If something happensin reverse or goesinto reverse, things happen in the opposite way to what usually happens or to what has been happening.

e.g. Amis tells the story inreverse, from the moment the man dies...
e.g. The downward trend went intoreverse and the scores started to creep up again.

If youreverse the charges when you make a telephone call, the person who you are phoning pays the cost of the call and not you.

in AM, use 美国英语用 call collect


1. 相反:Chris与同仁时常用这句话勉励自己,随时将相反(reverse)、转移(transfer)、合并(combine)、改变方向(change direction)、延伸(extend)、减少(reduce)等六个创新法则拿出来检视,把生活上的点点滴滴融入设计里,

2. 逆转:符号到值的任何提交(commitment)可以延迟直到这样的决定不可避免,即使如此它可以用很小的代价逆转(reverse). 这允许我们快速的探索可供选择的设计并逐步增加的建造程序. Lisp 的语法是简单的、并且它的程序自然的表示为数据结构,

3.reverse:r; 反转,倒转









