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当前位置:首页 单词大全 span

  1. 全长
  2. 跨度,跨距
  3. 一段时间
  4. 【空】翼展
  5. 墩距
  6. 广度
  7. 指距(合九英寸)
  8. 一叉宽(合九英寸)
  9. 共轭马,共轭骡
  10. 一对共轭牛、共轭马
  11. 一拃
  12. 很小的间隔,片刻,顷刻
  13. 从一头到一头
  14. 持续时间
  1. 动词spin的过去式形式
  1. 跨越,横跨
  2. 以指距量,(以手指)测量
  3. 用手环绕
  4. 在…架桥,架设
  5. 在…上建拱门
  6. (用)拃
  7. 时浮时沉地向前游泳
  8. 段段移进
  9. 并排套在车上
  10. 观测
  11. 到,及
  12. 持续
  13. 延伸到
  14. 弥补
  15. 包括(广大地区)
  16. 涵盖(多项内容)
  17. 【数】生成,张成
  18. 贯穿
  19. 估量
  1. [C] 跨度,跨径 distance or part between the supports of an arch or a bridge
  2. [C] 两个界限间的距离 a stretch between two thing, especially in time; period
  3. [C] 一段时间 a length of time over which the stated thing continues or works well
  1. the complete duration of something;

    "the job was finished in the span of an hour"

  2. the distance or interval between two points

  3. two items of the same kind

  4. a unit of length based on the width of the expanded human hand (usually taken as 9 inches)

  5. a structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc.

  6. the act of sitting or standing astride

  1. to cover or extend over an area or time period;

    "Rivers traverse the valley floor"
    "The parking lot spans 3 acres"
    "The novel spans three centuries"

Aspan is the period of time between two dates or events during which something exists, functions, or happens.


e.g. The batteries had a lifespan of six hours...
这些电池的寿命为 6 小时。
e.g. Gradually the timespan between sessions will increase.

Your concentrationspan or your attentionspan is the length of time you are able to concentrate on something or be interested in it.


e.g. His ability to absorb information was astonishing, but his concentrationspan was short...
e.g. Young children have a limited attentionspan and can't concentrate on one activity for very long.

If somethingspans a long period of time, it lasts throughout that period of time or relates to that whole period of time.

e.g. His professional career spanned 16 years...
他的职业生涯持续了 16 年。
e.g. The film, spanning almost a quarter-century, tells the story of Henry Hill...

If somethingspans a range of things, all those things are included in it.

e.g. Bernstein's compositions spanned all aspects of music, from symphonies to musicals.
e.g. ...a remarkable man whose interests spanned almost every aspect of nature.

Thespan of something that extends or is spread out sideways is the total width of it from one end to the other.

e.g. It is a very pretty butterfly, with a 2 inch wingspan...
这是一只非常美丽的蝴蝶,翼展 2 英寸。
e.g. It may be that you are unaware of where your hip joint is; it is not at the waist but a good handspan below it.

A bridge or other structure thatspans something such as a river or a valley stretches right across it.


e.g. Travellers get from one side to the other by walking across a footbridge that spans a little stream.
e.g. ...the humped iron bridge spanning the railway...

7. see also: spick and span


1. 量程:(3)量程(span)标称范围两极限之差的模. 移(drift)测量仪器计量特性的慢变化. 应时间(response time ) 激励受到规定突变的瞬间与响应达到并保持其最终稳定值在规定极限内的瞬间,这两者之间的时间间隔.

2.span:statistical processing and analysis; 统计数字的处理和分析


3.span:space communication network; 空间通信网

4.span:switched port analyzer; 交换端口分析器

5. span是什么意思

5.span:space physics analysis network; 的空间物理分析网络









