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当前位置:首页 单词大全 steal

  1. 偷(东西),做贼
  2. 窃取,行窃
  3. 偷偷地行动、进行
  4. 【棒】盗(垒)
  5. 巧取,偷偷的夺取
  6. 剽窃(别人文字)
  7. 暗暗拉拢,笼络
  8. 突然做
  9. 僭据,侵占
  10. 偷偷看…一眼
  11. 博得某人的欢心
  12. 偷吻,突然吻一下
  13. 悄悄地做,悄悄的走
  1. 偷窃
  2. 赃物
  3. 不正常的政治交易
  4. 以极低廉价格买来的东西
  5. 【棒】盗垒
  6. 意外之财
  7. 诈欺
  8. 不正当的获得
  9. 以极低价出售
  10. (篮)断球,抄截
  1. vt. & vi. 偷 unlawfully take away sth which belongs to sb else
  1. [C] [U] 便宜货 good bargain; easy task
  1. an advantageous purchase;

    "she got a bargain at the auction"
    "the stock was a real buy at that price"

  2. a stolen base; an instance in which a base runner advances safely during the delivery of a pitch (without the help of a hit or walk or passed ball or wild pitch)

  1. take without the owner's consent;

    "Someone stole my wallet on the train"
    "This author stole entire paragraphs from my dissertation"

  2. move stealthily;

    "The ship slipped away in the darkness"

  3. steal a base

If yousteal somethingfrom someone, you take it away from them without their permission and without intending to return it.

e.g. He was accused of stealing a small boy's bicycle...
e.g. Bridge stole the money from clients' accounts...

We have now found the stolen car.

If yousteal someone else's ideas, you pretend that they are your own.

e.g. A writer is suing director Steven Spielberg for allegedly stealing his film idea...
e.g. His team solved the engineering problem by stealing an idea from nature.

If someonesteals somewhere, they move there quietly, in a secret way.

e.g. They cansteal away at night and join us...
e.g. Leroy stole up the hall to the parlor.

If you describe something asa steal, you mean that it is very good value.

e.g. At only £3.50, this champagne is asteal.
这瓶香槟酒只卖 3.50英镑,太便宜了。

5. tosteal a glance -> see glance
tosteal a march on someone -> see march
tosteal the show -> see show
tosteal someone's thunder -> see thunder

Do not confusesteal androb. If someonesteals something, for example, money or a car, they take it without asking and without intending to give it back.My car was stolen on Friday evening. Note that you cannot say that someonesteals someone. If someonerobs someone or somewhere, they take something, often violently, from that person or place without asking and without intending to give it back.They planned to rob an old widow... They joined forces to rob a factory. You can also say that someonerobs you of something when referring to what has been taken.The two men were robbed of more than £700.
不要混淆 steal 和 rob。steal 指偷窃,如:My car was stolen on Friday evening (我的汽车周五晚上被偷走了)。要注意不能说 steal someone。rob 指抢劫某人或某地,如:They planned to rob an old widow (他们打算去抢一位老寡妇),They joined forces to rob a factory (他们联手抢劫了一家工厂)。可以用 robs someone of something 来表示从某人那里抢走某物,如:The two men were robbed of more than £700 (这两个男人被抢走了 700 多英镑)。

1. 抄截:进攻方面,得分、篮板和助攻颇能说明问题,但是在防守方面,仅有火锅(Block)、抄截(steal)两个代表数据,而这两项并不是防守中的核心技术,如果你想知道哪位球员最会逼迫进攻方远离篮圈、最能迫使其出手不中?

2. 偷:你现在走进的是一个不起眼的部落格,可能会有些网路、游戏、想法、相片散落在这里;捡起(pick up)、偷(steal)或者是留个言(leave a comment)或者往下(Down)离开这边.

3. steal的反义词

3. 抢断:海耶斯遭电击不可能打通任督二脉,霍华德偷眼镜也不会增加他的抢断(steal)统计,范甘迪送票也不如让球队多来几次快攻更容易激发呐喊,休斯敦火箭队仍然是姚明和麦克格雷迪的二人球队.









